Monday, April 27, 2009

159 - Testicular cancer Mcqs with answers - part 1

1q: all of the following are true about testicular cancer except ?

a. primary germ cell tumors ( GCTs ) of the testis constitute 95 % of all testicular neoplasms .
b. about 95 % of newly diagnosed patients are cured
c. very rarely the GCTs can even arise from the pineal gland
d. the tumor occurs most frequently in men between the ages of 40 and 60
e. higher incidence has been observed in Scandinavia and newzealand than USA

2q: which of the following statements about testicular cancer is false ?

a. a testicular mass in a male of age greater than or equal to 50 years of age should be regarded as lymphoma unless proved otherwise .
b. GCTs are 4 or 5 times more common in whites than in african-american males
c. The incidence of the testicular GCTs has been decreasing lately
d. Cryporchidism is associated with a several fold higher risk of GCT
e. Inguinal cryptorchid testis are at a higher risk than abdominal cryptorchid testis

3q: an isochromosome of the short arm of which chromosome is pathognomonic of GCT?

a. 11
b. 12
c. 13
d. 14

4q: involvement of nodes in germ cell tumor of testes belongs to which stage ?

a. I A
b. I B
c. II A
d. III

5q: involvement of the spermatic cord in germ cell tumor of testis belongs to which stage?

a. I A – T1
b. I B – T2
c. I B – T3
d. I B – T4

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