Monday, May 25, 2009

166 - Marfan's syndrome mcqs with answers part 3

11q: CT or MRI examinations of the lumbar sacral region in a marfan’s syndrome patient reveals which of the following ?

a. enlargement of the neural canal
b. thinning of the pedicles and laminae
c. widening of the foraminae
d. anterior meningocele ( dural ectasia )
e. all the above

12q: all of the following are true about the skeletal changes of MFS except ?

a. high arched palate can be seen
b. high pedal arches can be seen
c. pes planus is common
d. a few patients have severe joint hypermobility similar to EDS
e. all the statements are true

13q: dilatation of the root of aorta and the sinuses of valsalva are characteristic and ominous features of the disease that can develop at any age. Dilatation of root of aorta is probably accelerated by ?

a. physical stress
b. emotional stress
c. pregnancy
d. all the above

14q: what is the major source of morbidity and mortality in a case of marfan’s syndrome?

a. skeletal changes
b. cardiovascular changes
c. ocular changes
d. hernias

15q: all of the following are true about the ocular features of marfan’s syndrome except ?

a. downward displacement of the lens is common
b. ocular globe is frequently elongated
c. most patients are hypermetropic
d. most of the patients have adequate vision
e. some patients may develop retinal detachment

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