Wednesday, July 2, 2008

119 - Blood pressure normal and abnormal values

1q: what are the normal values of hypertension ?

Answer : systolic less than 120 and diastolic less than 80 mm of Hg .

2q: if the patient has a systolic BP between 120 – 139 mm of Hg and a diastolic BP between 80 – 89 , then it is ?

  1. prehypertension
  2. stage 1 hypertension
  3. stage 2 hypertension
  4. isolated systolic hypertension

answer : a . prehypertension .

3q: systolic and diastolic BP values of stage 1 hypertension ?

  1. systolic 140 – 159
  2. diastolic 90 – 99
  3. systolic greater than 160
  4. diastolic greater than 100

answer : a and b .

4q: if the systolic BP is greater than or equal to 160 and diastolic greater than or equal to 100 then it is ?

Answer : stage 2 hypertension .

5q: BP values of isolated systolic hypertension ?

Answer : systolic greater than or equal to 140 and diastolic less than 90 .

6q: recommended criteria for a diagnosis of hypertension are average awake blood pressure of _________ and asleep blood pressure of __________ ?

Answer : greater than or equal to 135/85 ( awake ) and greater than or equal to 120/75 ( asleep ) . these levels approximate a clinic blood picture of 140/90 mm of Hg.

these values are according to the latest edition of harrison ( 17 th edition ) , please refer page number 1553 from the book .

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