Monday, February 2, 2009

144 - respiratory system mcqs - part 3

21q: which of the following is not a feature of kartagener's syndrome ?

a. bronchiectasis
b. pancreatic insufficiency
c. sinusitis
d. situs inversus 

answer: b . pancreatic insufficiency .

22q: complication of bronchiectasis are all except ?

a. cerebral abscess
b. lung abscess
c. amyloidosis
d. bronchogenic carcinoma 

answer: d . bronchogenic carcinoma is not a complication of bronchiectasis.

23q: what is the histological landmark of langerhan's cells ?

a. dendritic cell processes
b. giant mitochondria 
c. birbeck granules
d. increased serum alkaline phosphatase

answer: c . birbeck granules .

24q: pulmonary embolism causes all except ?

a. bradycardia
b. decreased cardiac output
c. arterial hypoxemia 
d. acute right ventricular strain 

answer: a . bradycardia .

25q: in acute pulmonary embolism, the most frequent ECG finding is?

a. S1Q3T3 pattern
b. P. pulmonale
c. sinus tachycardia 
d. right axis deviation 

answer: c . sinus tachycardia .

26q: which of the following is characteristic of pulmonary embolism ?

a. respiratory alkalosis
b. right axis deviatioin
c. normal A-a gradient
d. left ventricular strain 

answer: b . right axis deviation .

27q: pleural fluid low in glucose is seen in all except ?

a. rheumatoid arthritis
b. tuberculosis
c. mesothelioma
d. empyema

answer: b. tuberculosis .

28q: cause of hemorrhagic pleural effusion are all except ?

a. pulmonary infarction
b. mesothelioma
c. bronchial adenoma
d. tuberculosis 

answer: c . bronchial adenoma .

29q: all of the following are causes of hemorrhagic pleural effusion except ?

a. pulmonary embolism
b. rheumatoid arthritis
c. pancreatitis
d. TB

answer: c . pancreatitis .

30q: most unlikely cause of pleural effusion is ?

a. thyroid tumors
b. bronchial carcinoma
c. carcinoma breast
d. lymphoma

answer: a . thyroid tumors .

1 comment:

وردة جنزور said...

Q27 i think t.b cauz low glucose pleurl effusion

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