Friday, April 18, 2008

110 - nervous system mcqs - part 4

13 . a 45 year old man presents with a daily head ache . he describes two attacks per day , over the past three years . each attack lasts about an hour and awakens the patient from sleep .the patient has noted associated tearing and reddening of his right eye as well as nasal stuffiness. The pain is deep, excruciating and limited to the right side of the head . the neurological examination is non focal . the most likely diagnosis of this patient’s headache is ?

a- migraine headache
b- cluster headache
c- tension headache
d- brain tumor

answer is b. cluster headache .

14 . cluster headache is characterized by , all except ?

a- affects predominantly females
b- unilateral headache
c- onset typically in 20-50 years of life
d- associated with conjunctival congestion

answer is a . affects predominantly females . cluster headache predominantly affects males . males are 7- 8 times more commonly affected than women .

15 - a female has episodic , recurrent headache in left hemicranium with nausea and parasthesia on right upper and lower limbs, he is most probably suffering from ?

a- migraine
b- glossopharyngeal neuralgia
c- herpes zoster infection of the trigeminal neuralgia
d- brain tumor

answer is a . migraine .

16 - a female aged 30, presents with episodic throbbing headache for past 4 years . it usually involves one half of the face and is associated with nausea and vomiting. There is no aura . most likely diagnosis is ?

a. migraine
b. cluster headache
c. angle closure glaucoma
d. temporal arteritis

answer is a . migraine .

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