Wednesday, March 11, 2009

157 - cardiac tamponade mcqs - part 4

18q: all of the following are true about low-pressure tamponade except ?

a. intrapericardial pressure is increased from its slightly subatmospheric levels to + 5 or + 10 mm Hg
b. central venous pressure is normal or only slightly elevated
c. arterial pressure is unaffected
d. paradoxical pulse is present

19q: thickened pericardium and pericardial calcification is usually seen in which of the following ?

a. cardiac tamponade
b. constrictive pericarditis
c. restrictive cardiomyopathy

20q: cardiac biopsy may be helpful sometimes in which of the following ?

a. cardiac tamponade
b. constrictive pericarditis
c. restrictive cardiomyopathy

21q: kussmaul’s sign is present in which of the following ?

a. cardiac tamponade
b. constrictive pericarditis
c. restrictive cardiomyopathy

22q: prominent x descent is rare in which of the following ?

a. cardiac tamponade
c. Constrictive pericarditis
d. Restrictive cardiomyopathy

23q: prominent y descent is absent in which of the following ?

a. cardiac tamponade
c. Restrictive cardiomyopathy
d. Constrictive pericarditis

24q: a young motorist suffered injuries in a major road traffic accident . he was diagnosed to have fracture of the left femur and left humerus. He was also having fracture of multiple ribs anteriorly on both sides. On examination the blood pressure was 80/60 mm Hg and heart rate was 140 / minute. The patient was agitated , restless and tachypneic . jugular veins are distended. Air entry was adequate in both the lung fields. Heart sounds were barely audible. Femoral pulses were weakly palpable but distally no pulsation could be felt. On priority basis , the immediate intervention would be ?

a. intercostal tube drainage on both the sides
b. rapid blood transfusion
c. urgent pericardial tap
d. fracture of left femur and repair of femoral artery

156 - cardiac tamponade mcqs - part 3

11q: what is the most common thoracotomy approach for echocardiography guided pericardiocentesis ?

a. apical
b. parasternal
c. subxiphoid
d. all are done with equal frequency

12q: what type of thoracotomy approach is most commonly done for recurrent cardiac tamponades ?

a. apical
b. parasternal
c. subxiphoid
d. all are done with equal frequency

13q: pericardial fluid obtained from an effusion often has the physical characteristics of ?

a. transudate
b. exudate
c. blood stained fluid
d. none

14q: what is the most common cause of bloody fluid in the pericardium in united states of America ?

a. neoplasm
b. tuberculosis
c. trauma
d. other infections

15q: what is the most common cause of the bloody fluid in the pericardium in developing countries ( like India ) ?

a. tuberculosis
b. neoplasm
c. trauma
d. other infections

16q: transudative pericardial effusions can occur in which of the following conditions ?

a. neoplasms
b. heart failure
c. inflammatory conditions
d. infections

17q: elevated levels of which enzyme are present in pericardial fluid removed from a tubercular pericardial effusion patient ?

a. lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH )
b. adenosine deaminase
c. alanine transminase
d. aspartate transaminase

155 - cardiac tamponade mcqs - part 2

6q: which of the following raises the suspicion of cardiac tamponade ?

a. unexplained enlargement of the cardiac silhouette
b. reduction of the amplitude of the QRS complexes
c. electrical alterans of the P,QRS or T waves
d. all the above

7q: what is pulsus paradoxus or paradoxical pulse ?

a. greater than normal ( 10 mm Hg ) inspiratory decline in systolic arterial pressure
b. greater than normal ( 10 mm Hg ) inspiratory increase in systolic arterial pressure
c. greater than normal ( 10 mm Hg ) expiratory decline in systolic arterial pressure
d. greater than normal ( 10 mm Hg ) expiratory increase in systolic arterial pressure

8q: paradoxical pulse or pulsus paradoxus is seen in which of the following conditions ?

a. hypovolemic shock
b. acute obstructive airway disease
c. chronic obstructive airway disease
d. pulmonary embolus
e. cardiac tamponade
f. constrictive pericarditis
g. all except b
h. all except f
i. all of the above

9q: diagnostic procedure of choice to diagnose cardiac tamponade ?

a. echocardiography
b. X ray
c. ECG
d. MRI

10q: what is the treatment of choice to treat a patient with pericardial tamponade ?

a. pericardiocentesis
b. defibrillation
c. conservative treatment
d. opening the thorax surgically and draining the fluid

154 - cardiac tamponade mcqs - part 1

1q: what is the characteristic appearance of heart in cardiac tamponade ?

a. figure of 8 appearance
b. wer vase heart
c. coren sabot
d. ter bottle heart

2q: the three most common causes of cardiac tamponade are all except ?

a. neoplastic disease
b. idiopathic pericarditis
c. pericardial effusion
d. cardiac catheterization

3q: what is the characteristic triad associated with cardiac tamponade ?

a. beck’s triad
b. sandblom’s triad
c. whipple’s triad
d. murphy’s triad

4q: all of the following are features of beck’s triad except ?

a. soft or absent heart sounds
b. hypotension
c. jugular venous distension
d. prominent y descent

5q: all of the following are true about cardiac tamponade except ?

a. it can result by even 200 ml of fluid in the pericardial space , if it develops rapidly
b. in slowly developing effusions more than 2000 ml of fluid can exist in the pericardial space
c. the volume of fluid required to produce cardiac tamponade varies directly with the thickness of the ventricular myocardium
d. the volume of fluid required to produce cardiac tamponade varies directly with the thickness of parietal pericardium

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