Wednesday, March 11, 2009

154 - cardiac tamponade mcqs - part 1

1q: what is the characteristic appearance of heart in cardiac tamponade ?

a. figure of 8 appearance
b. wer vase heart
c. coren sabot
d. ter bottle heart

2q: the three most common causes of cardiac tamponade are all except ?

a. neoplastic disease
b. idiopathic pericarditis
c. pericardial effusion
d. cardiac catheterization

3q: what is the characteristic triad associated with cardiac tamponade ?

a. beck’s triad
b. sandblom’s triad
c. whipple’s triad
d. murphy’s triad

4q: all of the following are features of beck’s triad except ?

a. soft or absent heart sounds
b. hypotension
c. jugular venous distension
d. prominent y descent

5q: all of the following are true about cardiac tamponade except ?

a. it can result by even 200 ml of fluid in the pericardial space , if it develops rapidly
b. in slowly developing effusions more than 2000 ml of fluid can exist in the pericardial space
c. the volume of fluid required to produce cardiac tamponade varies directly with the thickness of the ventricular myocardium
d. the volume of fluid required to produce cardiac tamponade varies directly with the thickness of parietal pericardium

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