Friday, March 14, 2008

83 - eponyms in medicine - (501to1000)

501 - Gaucher’s disease is autosomal recessive sphingolipidosis (sulfatidose) - mutations in glucocerebrosidase gene on 1q21 (also known as acid beta-glucosidase) - enzyme cleaves glucose residue from ceramide - frequently fatal; type I - chronic non-neuronopathic form - splenic and skeletal involvement; can be treated with infusions of macrophage-targeted human placental glucoerebrosidase - alglucerase (Ceredase) - use described in 1991.

502 - Leiner’s disease is seborrheic erythroderma associated with diarrhea and failure to thrive and to generate C5a chemotactic factor.

503 - Roth’s spots is in bacterial endocarditis and other retinal hemorrhagic conditions - a round white spot surrounded by hemorrhage (secondary to microemboli in endocarditis).

504 - Oddi - sphincter of is sphincter around opening of common bile duct into the duodenum; Oddi - Italian anatomist and surgeon (1864-1913).

505 - Proteus syndrome is congenital condition characterized by generalized - unilateral - or localized overgrowth of any tissue type - hemihypertrophy - lymphangiomas - lipomas - hemangiomata macrocephaly; thought that Joseph Merrick - the “Elephant Man” may have had this condition rather than neurofibromatosis.

506 - Yergason’s sign is in biceps tendinitis or shoulder impingement - worsening of pain with resisted supination while the elbow is flexed to 90 degrees - arm adducted.

507 - Pontiac fever is nonpneumonic legionellosis.

508 - Hoigne reaction is pseudoanaphylactic reaction - complication associated with intramuscular procaine penicillin - occurs in 1/1000 patients; characterized by tachycardia - elevated blood pressure - fear of imminent death - violent combativeness - unusual taste sensation - auditory or visual disturbances; rarely lasts longer than 30 min; felt to be due to inadvertent intracapillary infusion resulting in microembolization.

509 - gamekeeper’s thumb is injury to ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb.

510 - Pierre Robin syndrome is micrognathia and abnormal smallness of the tongue - mandibular hypoplasia with respiratory and feeding difficulties - posteriorly displaced mandible(retrognathia)- posteriorly displaced tongue ( glossoptosis ) - often with isolated cleft palate - severe myopia - congenital glaucoma - and retinal detachment; French pediatrician - 1867-1950.

511 - Romaña’s sign is in the first week of Chagas disease - unilateral periorbital edema and swelling of the eyelid associated with reduviid bug of eye.

512 - Kerandel’s hyperesthesia is in African trypanosomiasis - excruciating pain after minor soft-tissue injury - e.g. in palms and ulnar region.

513 - Pap smear is developed by Papanicolaou - reported in 1941 - used for screening cervical cancer.

514 - Boerhaave’s syndrome is pressure rupture of the esophagus; can give rise to Hamman’s sign. patient presents with acute chest pain and the treatment is surgical . full thickness tear of the esophagus which leads to spillage of contents into mediastinum .

515 - Welander distal myopathy is distal myopathy seen in Sweden and Finland.

516 - Sippy powders is for treating peptic ulcer disease in early 1900s - powder containing 600 mg of magnesium carbonate and 600 mg sodium bicarbonate alternating with a powder containing 600 mg of bismuth subcarbonate and 1200 to 1800 mg of sodium bicarbonate; associated with milk alkali syndrome.

517 - valves of hasner - valves at the opening of the nasolacrimal duct in the inferior meatus .

518 - Terson’s syndrome is intra-vitreous hemorrhage associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage.

519 - Virchow-Robin spaces, or enlarged perivascular spaces (EPVS) are spaces (often only potential) that surround blood vessels for a short distance as they enter the brain. Their wall is formed by prolongations of the pia mater. They contain macrophages and lymphocytes and have been suggested to be the site of entry for these cells of the immune system to the CSF.The spaces function as pathways for the drainage of interstitial fluid, are in direct connection with the subpial space, separated by a single layer of pia mater from the subarachnoid space and are in communication with lymphatic channels of the head and neck, leading to cervical lymph nodes.Virchow-Robin spaces are also called His' perivascular spaces and perivascular spaces. They are named after Rudolf Virchow and Charles-Philippe Robin (French anatomist, 1821–1885).This space is involved in Perivascular Cuffing seen in Meningoencephalitis & Encephalitis where there are infiltrates of mononuclear cells.

520 - Mönckeberg’s arteriosclerosis is ring-like calcifications within the media of medium-sized to small muscular arteries (femoral - tibial - radial - and ulnar arteries - genital arteries) - occurs almost exclusively in individuals over 50 years old; doesn’t narrow lumen - distinct from atherosclerosis.

521 - Sandhoff’s disease is GM2 gangliosidosis - from mutation in beta subunit of both hexosaminidase A and B; clinically similar as Tay-Sachs but more rapid progression of disease.

522 - Fabry’s disease is X-linked recessive sphingolipidosis (sulfatidose) alpha-galactosidase deficiency resulting in increased globosides - reddish-purple skin rash - kidney and heart failure - peripheral neuropathy - pain in lower extremities (acroparesthesias); 1:117 -000 live births; most common clinical features are telangiectases and corneal dystrophy; can be trated with biweekly infusions of recombinant human alpha-galactosidase A.

523 - Argyll Robertson pupils is small irregular pupils - usually but not always caused by CNS syphilis - they accommodate - but don’t react; absence of miotic reaction to light - both direct and consensual - with preservation of a miotic reaction to near stimulus; lesion in tectum of midbrain; named after Douglas M. C. L. Argyll Robertson.

524 - Barrett’s esophagus is esophageal strictures and epithelial metaplasia from squamous epithelium to a specialized columnar epithelium with intestinal metaplasia in 10% of severe GERD.

525 - Mayer’s reflex is basal joint reflex; adduction of the thumb in response to flexion of the MCP joint of the ring finger in a person with a relaxed hand - a normal finding - a normal finding - but may be absent in pyramidal lesions.

526 - Mobitz type II AV block is second degree block with intermittent conduction failure with sudden non-conducted sinus P wave without progressive prolongation of PR interval; not seen with digitalis excess or inferior wall MI generally but may be seen with anterior wall MI.

527 - refeeding syndrome is hypokalemia - hypomagnesemia - and hypophosphatemia after refeeding a starved patient.

528 - Ehlers-Danlos syndromes is clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders that result from defect in collagen synthesis or structure - at least 10 variants - characterized by hyperextensible skin and hypermobile joints.

529 - Machado-Joseph disease is spinocerebellar ataxia 3 - named for affected families of Azorean origin - autosomal dominant disorder caused by a CAG expansion in gene on 14q - onset after age 40 - associated with diabetes.

530 - Hageman factor is factor XII.

531 - Perthes test is testing for competence of deep femoral veins; tourniquet is applied at mid-thigh with patient standing and patient then walks for 5 min with tourniquet pin place; reduction in size of veins indicates patent valves and lumens.

532 - Virchow’s triad is predisposing factors in thrombus formation 1. endothelial injury - 2. hypercoagulability 3. stasis or turbulence of blood flow; first described in 1860.

533 - Graves’s disease is hyperthyroidism with diffuse goiter - ophthalmopathy - dermopathy from thyroid-stimulating Ig.

534 - Grey Turner’s sign is local areas of discoloration about the umbilicus and particularly in the region of the loins - in acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis (1-2%) and other causes of retroperitoneal hemorrhage.

535 - Winterbottom's sign is seen in the early phase of African trypanosomiasis, a disease caused by the parasites Trypanosoma brucei rhodiense and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense which is more commonly known as African sleeping sickness. Winterbottom's sign is the swelling of lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) along the back of the neck, in the posterior cervical chain of lymph nodes, as trypanosomes travel in the lymphatic fluid and cause inflammation.

536 - singers’s nodule is is a small - benign laryngeal polyp - usually induced by chronic irritation - such as excessive use of the voice - and is associated most commonly with heavy cigarette smoking; is usually localized to the true vocal cords.

537 - LeFort I fracture is transverse maxillary fracture above dental apices - which also traverses pterygoid plate; nasal complex stable.

538 - Ommaya reservoir is device implanted under the scalp that communicates with the CSF and allows intrathecal delivery of therapeutic agents (e.g. - chemotherapy).

539 - Bergman minimal model is determinants of glucose disposal: phi-1 (acute insulin secretion) - phi-2 (sustained insulin secretion) - Si (insulin sensitivity) - Sg (glucose sensitivity).

540 - Whipple's triad or Whipple's criteria is a medical term which refers to three conditions that are considered by physicians necessary for proving hypoglycemia as the cause of a person's symptoms. They are stated in various versions, but the essential conditions are:

1. Symptoms known or likely to be caused by hypoglycemia

2. A low glucose measured at the time of the symptoms

3. Relief of symptoms when the glucose is raised to normal.

541 - Tullio’s phenomenon is induction of vertigo by loud noises - i.e. sound-induced vestibular activation; associated with and previously considered pathognominc of syphilis.

542 - Sailer’s sign is in aortic regurgitation - pulsation of spleen in the setting of splenomegaly.

543 - Garré - sclerosing osteomyelitis of is typically develops in the jaw - associated with extensive new bone formation that obscures much of the underlying osseous structure.

544 - Papez circuit is pathway from subiculum to the mamillary body and back to the cingulate gyrus believed to play a role in emotion (initially) and memory.

545 - Battle’s sign is ecchymoses over the mastoid process in basilar skull fractures - generally occurring approximately 48 hours after event.

546 - McCune-Albright syndrome is triad of irregular café au lait spots - fibrous dysplasia of long bones with cysts - and precocious puberty.

547 - The Unterberger test, also Unterberger's test and Unterberger's stepping test, is a test used in otolaryngology to help assess whether a patient has a vestibular pathology. It is not useful for detecting central (brain) disorders of balance.The patient is asked to walk on the spot with their eyes closed.If the patient rotates to one side they have a labyrinthine lesion on that side.

548 - Waddell's signs are a group of physical signs, first described by Waddell et al in 1980,that may indicate non-organic or psychological component to chronic low back pain. Historically they have been used to detect "malingering" patients with back pain.

549 - Stenson’s duct is parotid duct - enters oral cavity opposite crown of second maxillary molar tooth.

550 - Zahn - infarct of is in occlusion of an intrahepatic branch of portal vein - sharply demarcated area of red-blue discoloration - not infarct - not necrosis - only marked stasis in distended sinusoids - with secondary hepatocellular atrophy.

551 - Nelson's syndrome is the rapid enlargement of a pituitary adenoma that occurs after the removal of both adrenal glands.

552 - Parinaud’s oculoglandular syndrome is preauricular node enlargement associated with chronic granulomatous conjunctivitis; atypical form of cat scratch disease from inoculation near eye.

553 - Werlhof’s disease is immune thrombocytopenic purpura; described by Werlhof in 1735.

554 - Clichy criteria is criteria for liver transplantation in fulminant hepatic failure: hepatic encephalopathy - and factor V level <> 30 y.o.

555 - Nikolsky's sign is a clinical dermatological sign in which blisters spread easily upon application of horizontal, tangential pressure to the skin. A positive Nikolsky's sign signifies a separation of epithelial cells either from one another or from the basement membrane, which is a layer of connective tissue to which epithelium usually adhered. This occurs in a number of conditions, including but not limited to the potentially fatal autoimmune skin disorder pemphigus vulgaris, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.

556 - Brudzinski sign is after flexing the neck - flexion of hips and knees in reaction suggests meningeal inflammation.

557 - Mikulicz’s syndrome is bilateral inflammatory enlargement of the parotid - submaxillary - and sublingual - and lacrimal glands and xerostomia - secondary to sarcoid - leukemia - lymphoma - etc.

558 - Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome is skeletal and soft tissue abnormalities (e.g. - lymphedema of hands and feet - nail dystrophy - skin laxity) - short stature - webbed neck.

559 - O'Donoghue's triad - An unhappy triad- terrible triad- is an injury to the knee. It commonly occurs in contact sports (such as American football). The mechanism for this injury occurs when a lateral (outside) force to the knee is received while the foot is fixed on the ground.

Structures in triad:

This scenario causes an injury to three knee structures:

* the anterior cruciate ligament

* the medial collateral ligament (or "tibial collateral ligament")

* the medial meniscus

The inclusion of the medial meniscus in the triad has been challenged.The reason that the medial collateral ligament and medial meniscus are injured together is because they are attached to one another in the knee joint.

560 - Freiberg disease is osteochondrosis of second metatarsal head; associated with avascular necrosis of metatarsal head; most patients are female.

561 - Charcot’s triad is in 70% of patients with bacterial cholangitis - right-upper-quadrant pain - jaundice - and fever; also Reynold’s pentad.

562 - Pemberton’s sign is in SVC (superior vena caval) obstruction - development of facial plethora - inspiratory stridor - and non-pulsatile elevation of the JVP when patient lifts arms over head.

563 - Patrick's test is performed by a health care provider to evaluate people who have low back pain for sacroiliitis. The knee is flexed to ninety degrees on the affected side and the foot is rested on the unaffected knee. Holding the pelvis firm against the examination table, the affected knee is pushed towards the examination table, a maneuver which provides external rotation of the leg at the hip joint. If pain results, this is considered a positive Patrick's test and sacroiliitis is more likely. However, Patrick's test does not prove that sacroiliitis is causing the back pain, just increases the likelihood.This test is often performed along side Gaenslen's test.

564 - Gaenslen's test, also known as Gaenslen's Maneuver is a medical test used to detect musculoskeletal abnormalities and primary-chronic inflammation of the lumbar vertebrae and sacroiliac joint. This test is often used to test for Spondyloarthritis, sciatica, or other forms of rheumatism, and is often performed during checkup visits in patients who have been diagnosed with one of the former disorders. It is named after Frederick Julius Gaenslen, the orthopedic surgeon who invented the test. This test is often performed along side Patrick's test and Yeoman's test.To perform Gaenslen's test, the hip joint is flexed maximally on one side and the opposite hip joint is extended, stressing both sacroiliac joints simultaneously. This is often done by having the patient lying on his or her back, lifting the knee to push towards the patient's chest while the other leg is allowed to fall over the side of an examination table, and is pushed toward the floor, flexing both sacroiliac joints. The test is considered positive if the patient experiences pain while this test is performed, and may indicate a need for further testing, such as an x-ray or lumbar CT scan.

565 - Buschke - scleredema of - is uncommon dermatosis characterized by thickened - indurated skin associated with diabetes - sometimes with erythema; also known as scleredema diabeticorum.

566 - Arnold-Chiari malformation is downward displacement of the cerebellar tonsils and medulla through the foramen magnum - results in pressure atrophy of displaced brain tissue - hydrocephalus from obstruction of the CSF outflow tract - is almost always characterized by the presence of a thoracolumbar meningomyelocele.

567 - Houston - valve of is rectal valves: superior - middle - and inferior.

568 - Parsonage-Turner syndrome is acute brachial neuritis.

569 - Litten’s sign is diaphragmatic movement seen on one side but not the other side in unilateral phrenic nerve palsy.

570 - Gradenigo’s syndrome is thrombosis of inferior petrosal sinus producing ipsilateral facial pain - lateral rectus muscle weakness.

571 - Cushing’s triad is signs of increased ICP 1. hypertension 2. bradycardia 3. irregular respirations.

572 - Plummer’s nail is onycholysis as a sign of hyperthyroidism - especially when it affects the ring finger.

573 - Coley’s toxin is mixture of toxins from Strep and Serratia marcesens used by William Coley in the late 1800s to treat malignancy; active agent found to be lipopolysaccharide.

574 - Martorell’s ulcer is associated with poorly controlled hypertension - punched out ulcers - sharply demarcated - with surrounding halo of erythema - very painful - often crusted - relieved by placing leg in dependent position - found on anterior external aspect of leg between and middle and lower third of limb.

575 - Sjögren’s syndrome is lymphocytic infiltration affects salivary and lacrimal glands and is associated with dry mouth and dry eyes (keratoconjunctivitis sicca); may have either interstitial pulmonary fibrosis or a lymphocytic infiltration of the alveolar walls (may have a malignant transformation with the development of a lymphoma).

576 - Pick’s disease is subtype of frontal lobe dementia - characterized by language abnormalities such as logorrhea - echolalia - and palilalia (compulsive repetition of phrases) - Pick bodies - Pick cells; occurs 1-5% as often as Alzheimer’s.

577 - Maffucci’s syndrome is enchondromatosis associated with soft tissue hemangiomas; associated with ovarian carcinomas and brain gliomas; essentially Ollier’s disease with hemangiomas.

578 - Hürthle cells is in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis - deeply stained colloid or clusters of these oncocytes having an abundant - brightly eosinophilic granular cytoplasm - thought to represent a degenerated state of the follicular epithelium.

579 - Schnitzler’s syndrome is association of IgM monoclonal protein (e.g. as with Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia) with erythematous - urticarial skin lesions.

580 - Saturday night palsy is radial neuropathy from compression at the spiral groove.

581 - Flatow-Dukes’s disease is fourth disease - historically felt to be a separate form of rubella and then felt to be a non-entity but perhaps now is Staph scarlet fever Lancet 357:299 (2001).

582 - Baker’s cyst is popliteal cyst - a fluid-filled mass within the popliteal fossa.

583 - DiGeorge syndrome is failure of 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches to differentiate into the thymus and parathyroid glands - facial abnormalities result primarily from abnormal development of the first arch components during formation of face and ears - 22q11 deletion - CATCH-22 (cardiac abnormality/abnormal facies - T-cell deficit owing to thymic hypoplasia - cleft palate - and hypocalcemia).

584 - Mullerian inhibiting substance is in embryonic development - gonadal peptide hormone that initiates regression of Mullerian duct during male sexual development.

585 - hemoglobin Bart’s is four gamma globin chains - seen in hydrops fetalis (alpha thalassemia) - very high oxygen affinity.

586 - Oliver's sign, or the tracheal tug sign, is an abnormal downward movement of the trachea during systole that can indicate a dilation or aneurysm of the aortic arch.

Oliver's sign is elicited by gently grasping the cricoid cartilage and applying upward pressure while the patient stands with his or her chin extended upward. Due to the anatomic position of the aortic arch, which overrides the left main bronchus, a downward tug of the trachea may be felt if an aneurysm is present.

The sign was first described by English military surgeon William Silver Oliver in 1878.

587 - Cardarelli's sign is an abnormal pulsation of the trachea that may be found in patients with a dilation or aneurysm of the aortic arch.

Cardarelli's sign can be felt by a physician pressing on the thyroid cartilage and displacing it to the patient's left. This increases contact between the left bronchus and the aorta, allowing systolic pulsations from the aorta to be felt at the surface if an aneurysm is present.

588 - Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia is mutation in collagen X - mechanical pressure reduces growth.

589 - Macewen's sign is a sign used to help to diagnose hydrocephalus (accumulation of excess cerebrospinal fluid) and brain abscesses. Tapping (percussion) the skull near the junction of the frontal, temporal and parietal bones will produce a stronger resonant sound when either hydrocephalus or a brain abscess are present.The sign was discovered and described by Sir William Macewen (1848-1924), a surgeon and professor of the University of Glasgow, Scotland who also described Macewen's operation for inguinal hernia.

590 - The Kveim test, Nickerson-Kveim or Kveim-Siltzbach test is a skin test used to detect sarcoidosis, where part of a spleen from a patient with known sarcoidosis is injected into the skin of a patient suspected to have the disease. If granulomas are found (4-6 weeks later), the test is positive. If the patient has been on treatment (e.g. glucocorticoids), the test may be false negative. The test is not commonly performed, and in the UK no substrate has been available since 1996. There is a concern that certain infections, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, could be transferred through a Kveim test.It is named for the Norwegian pathologist Morten Ansgar Kveim, who first reported the test in 1941 using lymph node tissue from sarcoidosis patients. It was popularised by the American physician Louis Siltzbach, who introduced a modified form using spleen tissue in 1954. Kveim's work was a refinement of earlier studies performed by Nickerson, who in 1935 first reported on skin reactions in sarcoid.

591 - Von Economo’s encephalitis is encephalitis lethargica - also associated with influenza A epidemic of 1918 - associated with postencephalitic parkinsonism - first described in 1917.

592 - Lasègue's sign is a medical sign that involves "straight-leg raising", or SLR. It is of use in diagnosing lumbar disc disorders and tension of the sciatic nerve.It was named after Charles Lasègue (1816-1883).

593 - Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy is X-linked - near or complete absence of dystrophin (normally stabilizes glycoprotein complex on cytoplasmic face of plasma membrane of muscle fibers and protects it from degradation) - onset of weakness age 2-3 - proximal weakness of limb muscles - Gower’s maneuver - pseudohypertrophy of calves caused by fatty infiltration - cardiomyopathy - frequently mental retardation - CK elevated - wheelchair bound by age of 12.

594 - Dagher Maneuver - bimanual palpation of foreign object lodged in pelvis with one digit in an incision lateral to the anus and the other digit inserted in the rectum. by Nabil Dagher.

595 - Curschmann's Spirals refer to the desquamated epithelium seen in biopsies from asthmatic patients. They are named after German physician Heinrich Curschmann (1846-1910). They are often seen in association with eosinophilic infiltration and Charcot-Leyden crystals..

596 - Dalrymple sign is widened palpebral (eyelid) tissue or lid spasm seen in thyrotoxicosis (Graves' disease), causing abnormal wideness of the palpebral fissure. Retraction of the upper eyelid, the white of the sclera is visible at the upper margin of the cornea in direct outward stare. Pathognomonic eye symptom in Graves' disease. Other signs described within the symptomology of Graves' disease are Stellwag's sign (rare blinking), Rosenbach's sign (tremor of the eyelids), Jelink's sign (hyperpigmentation of the eyelid).

597 - Warthin’s tumor is papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum - parotid gland involved - benign - more in males than females - 50s-70s.

598 - Courvoisier's law (or Courvoisier syndrome, or Courvoisier's sign) states that in the presence of a palpable gall bladder, jaundice is unlikely to be caused by gall stones. This is because gall stones are formed over a longer period of time, and this results in a shrunken, fibrotic gall bladder which does not distend easily. Therefore the gall bladder is more often enlarged in pathologies that cause obstruction of the biliary tree over a shorter period of time such as pancreatic malignancy.

599 - Ménière’s disease is 1. fluctuating sensorineural loss - classically involving low frequencies; 2. vertiginous episodes; 3. aural pressure; 4. tinnitus (frequently roaring); pathologic changes consist of dilation of the endolymphatic system that leads to degeneration of vestibular and cochlear hair cells.

600 - Darier's sign is a change observed after stroking the skin of a person with systemic mastocytosis or urticaria pigmentosa. In general, the skin becomes swollen, itchy and red. This is a result of compression of mast cells, which are hyperactive in these diseases. These mast cells release inflammatory granules which contain histamine. It is the histamine which is responsible for the response seen after rubbing the skin.Darier's sign is named after the French dermatologist Ferdinand-Jean Darier who first described it.

601 - Fordyce's spots, or Fordyce granules are small, painless, raised, pale or white spots or bumps 1 to 3 mm in diameter that may appear on the shaft of the penis or on the labia , as well as the inner surface and vermilion border of the lips of the face. They are common in men and women of all ages. They are named after an American dermatologist, John Addison Fordyce. On the head of the penis, they are called Tyson glands, not to be confused with pearly penile papules.

602 - LeVeen shunt is for treating refractory ascites - peritoneovenous shunt connecting peritoneum and central venous system - compare with Denver shunt; LeVeen shunt uses disc valve in firm polypropylene casing.

603 - Degos disease is malignant atrophic papulosis; multisystem lymphocytic vasculitis characterized by thrombosis primarily of cutaneous small vessels as well as small vassels in GI tract - ocular - and CNS; has characteristic porcelain white atrophic lesion.

604 - Hallermann-Streiff syndrome is autosomal recessive syndrome with bird-like facies with hypoplastic mandible and beaked nose - proportionate dwarfism - hypotrichosis - microphthalmia - and congenital cataract.

605 - The Hippocratic face (facies Hippocratica in Latin) is the change produced in the countenance by death, or long sickness, excessive evacuations, excessive hunger, and the like.The nose is pinched, the eyes are sunken, the temples hollow, the ears cold and retracted, the skin of the forehead tense and dry, the complexion livid, the lips pendent, relaxed, and cold.The Hippocratic face is so called because it was first described by Hippocrates.A related term is cachexia.

606 - In the fields of ophthalmology and optometry, the Hirschberg test, also Hirschberg corneal reflex test, is a screening test that can be used to assess whether a person has strabismus (ocular misalignment).A photographic version of the Hirschberg is used to quantify strabismus.It is performed by shining a light in the persons eyes and observing where the light reflects off of the corneas. In a person with normal ocular alignment the light lands on the centre of both corneas. For an abnormal result, based on where the light lands on the cornea, the examiner can detect if there is an exotropia (abnormal eye is turned out), esotropia (abnormal eye is turned in), hypertropia (abnormal eye higher than the normal one) or hypotropia (abnormal eye is lower than the normal one).

607 - Norwood procedure is for treating hypoplastic left heart syndrome - has 3 stages. Stage 1 - anastomosis of proximal main pulmonary artery to aorta - with aortic arch reconstruction and transection and patch closure of distal main pulmonary artery; modified right Blalock-Taussig shunt (subclavian artery to right PA) to provide pulmonary blood flow. ASD created to allow for adequate left to right flow. Stage 2 - Bidirectional Glenn shunt to reduce volume overload of single right ventricle. Stage 3 - modified Fontan procedure to correct cyanosis.

608 - Waterston-Cooley shunt is for treating tetralogy of Fallot - anastomosis of direct ascending aorta to right pulmonary artery; rarely performed currently.

609 - Hamman's sign is a crunching, rasping sound, synchronous with heartbeat, heard over the precordium in spontaneous mediastinal emphysema. Named for Johns Hopkins clinician Louis Hamman, M.D.This sound is heard best over the left lateral position. It has been described as a series of precordial crackles that correlate with the heart beat and not the respirations. Hamman's crunch is caused by pneumomediastinum or pneumopericardium. This is sometimes seen in patients with esophageal rupture.

610 - Homans sign is said to be present when passive dorsiflexion of the ankle by the examiner elicits sharp pain in the calf. It is caused by a thrombosis of the deep veins of the leg. This sign is frequently elicited in clinical practice because of the ease of use, although it is falling into disfavor because of risk of producing an embolism and because it is frequently positive in individuals without DVT. It is named for the American physician John Homans.To test for Homans' sign, flex the patient's knee slightly with one hand and, with the other, dorsiflex the foot. The complaint of calf pain with this procedure is a positive sign and often indicates venous thrombosis.. Absence of Homans' sign does not preclude venous thrombosis.

611 - guy's aprosexia is seen in - allergic rhinitis .

612 - Darkschewitsch - nucleus of is an ovoid cell group in the ventral central gray substance rostral to the oculomotor nucleus - receiving fibers from the vestibular nuclei by way of the medial longitudinal fasiculus; projections are not known - although some cross in the posterior commissure.

613 - Müller-Lyer illusion is visual illusion involving two horizontal lines with arrows where line with inward facing arrows appears shorter than line with outward facing arrows.

614 - Douglas - pouch of is rectouterine pouch.

615 - Holt-Oram syndrome is AD syndrome - dysplasia of the upper limbs and atrial septal defect - reduction anomalies of the upper limbs - heart hand syndrome from mutation in TBX5.

616 - Palla’s sign is in pulmonary embolism - enlarged right descending pulmonary artery.

617 - mathe's sign - Normal kidneys move 2-6 cm with respiration; however, a kidney with perinephric abscess is fixed to the surrounding tissues and does not move during respiration. this is called the mathe's sign . This mobility test provides a specificity rate of 85%. assessment of renal mobility is done by using fluoroscopy or obtaining inspiration-expiration films.

618 - the rind sign - The typical appearance of a perinephric abscess on CT scan is that of a soft-tissue mass (20 Hounsfield unit) with a thick wall that may enhance after introducing intravenous contrast material (ie, the Rind sign).

619 - gerota's fascia - The kidney and the adipose capsule are enclosed in a sheath of fibrous tissue continuous with the subperitoneal fascia, and named the renal fascia (also known as Gerota's fascia after the Romanian anatomist Dimitrie Gerota).

620 - Zuckerkandl fascia - Although the eponym Gerota's fascia is used for both the anterior and posterior layers of the renal fascia, this designation is not entirely correct. The posterior layer was described first by Emil Zuckerkandl in 1883, and is hence called Zuckerkandl's fascia or fascia retrorenalis. Twelve years later, Gerota discovered the anterior layer of the fascia, while taking in account Zuckerkandl's publication .

621 - basedow's disease - (Karl Adolf von Basedow, 1799-1854, German physician). Also known as Graves' disease . Auto-immune disorder of the thyroid gland, most commonly seen in women in their fourth decade of life. It is a common cause of hyperthyroidism.

622 - parry disease - LATS associated hyperthyroidism .

623 - Barth’s syndrome is infantile X-linked dilated cardiomyopathy - short stature - myopathy - neutropenia - from mutation in G4.5 which encodes for tafazzins.

624 - Chuvash polycythemia is autosomal recessive disorder with features of both primary and secondary polythemia - endemic to the mid-Volga River region of Russia (Chuvas); associated with homozygous mutation Arg200Trp in VHL gene (gene associated with von Hippel-Lindau syndrome); mutation impairs interaction of VHL with hypoxia-inducible factor 1 protein.

625 - Hutchinson’s teeth is smaller and more widely spaced than normal and are notched on their biting surfaces; sign of congenital syphilis. wanna see a picture of hutchinson's teeth and know more about the hutchinson's triad , then go to

626 - Valsalva maneuver is first described in 1704 as a method for expelling pus from the middle ear: deep inspiration followed by forced exhalation against a closed glottis for 10-12 seconds; 4 phases - phase 1 transient rise in BP with straining; phase 2 decrease in systemic venous return - blood pressure - and reflex tachycardia; phase 3 begins with cessation of straining - associated with abrupt transient decrease in blood pressure and in systemic venous return (generally not perceivable); phase 4 an overshoot of systemic arterial pressure and relatively obvious reflex bradcycardia associated.

627 - Stargardt's disease = The most frequently encountered juvenile onset macular degeneration characterised by multiple pisciform subretinal yellowish lesions. for more information on this disease and the scientist go to

628 - Ota - nevus of is pigmentation mostly involves the skin and mucous membranes innervated by the first and second branches of the trigeminal nerve.

629 - Balkan nephropathy is degenerative interstitial nephropathy seen in Balkan areas (tributaries of Danube River) - tubular proteinuria - glycosuria - RTA - azotemia - associated with increased risk of upper tract transitional cell carcinoma.

630 - hadfield's operation - is done for duct ectasia .

631 - saint's triad - CDH - cholelithiasis + diverticulosis of the colon + hiatus hernia .

632 - glasgow coma scale - EVM - eye opening , verbal response and motor response . remember the least score in GCS is 3 . there is no zero grading in any of the glasgow coma scale components . so the lowest possible value is 3 and the highest possible value is 15 . E(6) + V(5) + M(4) .

633 - Bricker procedure is creation of a urinary diversion by removing a piece of ileum - connecting the ureters to it - and then creating a stoma through the abdominal wall.

634 - Bartter’s syndrome is hypokalemic - hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis with normal or low blood pressure despite increased renin and aldosterone levels and hyperplasia of juxtaglomerular apparatus due to mutations affecting diuretic-sensitive sodium-transport proteins.

635 - Cockayne’s syndrome is a form of progeria characterized by dwarfism - pigmentary degeneration of the retina - optic atrophy - deafness - sensitivity to sunlight - and mental retardation; autosomal recessive inheritance defect in DNA repair.

636 - Wohlfart-Kugelberg-Welander disease is spinal muscular atrophy type III - presents in late childhood - runs a slow - indolent course - weakness greatest in proximal muscles - autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant - survival motor neuron protein affected.

637 - Charlin’s syndrome of neuralgia is severe pain in the inner corner of the eye disproportionate to the degree of ocular inflammation - pain in the root of the nose - tearing - and ipsilateral nasal watery discharge believed to be due to irritation of the ciliary ganglion.

638 - Lissauer’s tract is small diameter primary sensory axons (presumably mediating pain and temperature senses) on their way into the dorsal horn.

639 - Caplan’s syndrome is coexistence of rheumatoid arthritis with a pneumoconiosis - leading to the development of distinctive pulmonary lesions that develop fairly rapidly; these nodular lesions have central necrosis surrounded by fibroblasts - macrophages - and collagen; can occur in asbestosis and silicosis.

640 - Uhthoff’s phenomenon is in multiple sclerosis - sensitivity of symptoms to changes in body temperature or exercise (e.g. - visual loss with exercise); initial description in 1890 amblyopia following exercise.

641 - Brueghel syndrome is dystonia of the motor trigeminal nerve producing a widely opened mouth - named after painting by Flemish painter Brueghel (Neurol 1996;46:1768).

642 - Q fever - caused by coxiella burnetti - a type of rickettsiae - no vector .

643 - Mc Ardle's disease- is due to the deficiency of the enzyme - MYOPHOSPHORYLASE . very poor cori anderson misplaced her towel .

644 - niemann pick's disease - due to the deficiency of the enzyme - SPHINGOMYELINASE - leads to the deposition of phosphosphingosides in the CNS .

645 - Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is first described in 1920 - goitrous chronic autoimmune thyroiditis; in areas with sufficient iodine - elevated TSH is often viewed as evidence of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis as well as antithyroid antibodies; antithyroglobulin antibodies in 60% of patients and antithryoid microsomal antibodies in 95%.

646 - Leiner’s disease is seborrheic erythroderma associated with diarrhea and failure to thrive and to generate C5a chemotactic factor.

647 - cri du chat is 5p- - severe mental retardation - microcephaly - catlike cry - low birth weight - hypertelorism - low-set ears - and epicanthal folds.

648 - libermann-burchard reaction is used for the identification of - cholesterol . other tests related to cholesterol are salkowski's test , zak's test , car and dructor method and the cholesterol oxidase method.

649 - Jansky-Bielschowsky disease is late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis - CLN2 disorder generally characterized by visual loss - epilepsy - and psychomotor deterioration.

650 - Lancisi’s sign is giant v waves in tricuspid regurgitation.

651 - pinta - disease caused by - treponema cerateum .

652 - runt's disease - associated with graft versus host disease ( GVHD ) .

653 - levaditi's stain - stains tissue sections of - spirochetes . to stain films fontana's method is used .

654 - rat bite fever - caused by - streptococcus moniliformis .

655 - Buerger’s sign is in peripheral vascular disease - red foot becomes pale with elevation.

656 - naegler's reaction - clostridium welchii. this is also the food poisoning clostridia .

657 - casoni's test - echinococcosis .

658 - medusa head colonies are produced by - anthrax bacilli .

659 - quellung or neufeld reaction - swelling of capsule in pneumococcus .

660 - draughtsman concentric rings on culture - pneumococcus .

661 - Koplik’s spots is small - white spots (often on an reddened background) that occur on the inside of the cheeks early in the course of measles; considered to be pathognomonic exanthem in measles.

662 - Keshan disease is endemic cardiomyopathy in China associated with selenium deficiency.

663 – nicolandoni sign (Branham’s sign) is bradycardia after compression of AV fistula.

664 - Panner disease is avascular necrosis or osteochondrosis of the capitellum (head of humerus).

665 - bordet gengu medium - a culture medium for bordetella pertussis .

666 - lowenstein jensen's medium - culture medium for mycobacteria .

667 - auramine-rhodamine test - most sensitive test for the identification of mycobacterium tuberculosis .

668 - Charles Bonnet syndrome is visual deprivation hallucinations - generally occurring in visually-impaired individuals; patients realize unreality of hallucinations; first described by Swiss philosopher Charles Bonnet in 1760.

669 - Job’s syndrome is immune deficiency where neutrophils fail to respond to chemotactic stimuli - associated with high levels of IgE; patients susceptible to cold staphylococcal abscesses.

670 - Arlt's line - Carl Ferdinand Ritter von Arlt - Horizontal, linear scarring of the upper tarsal conjunctiva. A classical sign of trachoma.

671 - Arlt's syndrome: a contagious eye infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis.

672 - Arlt's operation: transplantation of eyelashes back from the edge of the eyelid for treatment of distichiasis.

673 - Horton’s cephalalgia is cluster headache; also known as histaminic cephalalgia.

674 - Rumpel-Leede sign is test for capillary fragility carried out by incresing venous pressure in forearm with BP cuff and then inspecting the skin for petechial eruptions. Also called Hess test.

675 - Brechenmacher fibers is tracts which connect the atrium to the His bundle.

676 - Mobius’s sign is in Graves’s ophthalmopathy - failure of ocular convergence following close accommodation at a distance of 5 inches.

677 - Santos’s syndrome is Hirschsprung’s disease with renal agenesis - polydactyly - hypertelorsim - and deafness.

678 - Stokes-Adams attacks is fainting spells associated with complete heart block (or other types of bradycardia).

679 - Banti’s syndrome is splenomegaly - hypersplenism - and portal hypertension - noncirrhotic - arises after subclinical occlusion of the portal vein - usually years after occlusive event.

680 - Desçemet’s membrane is membrane that forms the deepest layer of the cornea and functions as thin basement membrane for endothelium; location where copper is deposited in Wilson’s disease Kayser-Fleischer rings.

681 - Dutcher bodies is PAS-positive inclusions containing Ig in the nucleus of lymphocytes - plasma cells - and intermediate lymphocytes in Waldenström macroglobulinemia and multiple myeloma.

682 - Pappenheimer bodies is small dark blue irregularly shaped granules often in clusters - composed of iron - seen in sideroblastic anemia following splenectomy.

683 - Ménétrier’s disease is giant cerebriform enlargement of the rugal folds of the gastric mucosa - results from profound hyperplasia of the surface mucous cells with accompanying glandular atrophy - most often encountered in men (3:1) - 40s-60s - sometimes in children - may produce epigastric discomfort - weight loss - and sometimes bleeding related to superficial rugal erosions - gastric secretions mostly mucous - little HCl - may be sufficient protein loss to produce hypoalbuminemia.

684 - Chédiak-Higashi syndrome is autosomal recessive disorder from mutation in lysosomal-trafficking regulator - resulting in neutropenia - defective degranulation - and delayed microbial killing. Neutrophils and other leukocytes have giant granules. Delayed or decreased fusion of lysosomes with phagosomes in leukocytes impairs phagocytosis of bacteria. Increased infections with S. aureus - group A Strep - partial ocular and cutaneous albinism - silvery hair - peripheral neuropathy - easy bruising - mild mental retardation - severe periodontal disease.

685 - Marie-Strümpell disease is refers to ankylosing spondylitis in Europe.

686 - Ekiri syndrome is extremely rare - fatal encephalopathy described in Japanese children with Shigella sonnei or Shigella flexneri infections.

687 - Kerley C lines is in pulmonary edema - fine interlacing lines throughout the lung base producing a spider web appearance; controversial if unique lines v. crossing lines.

688 - Stauffer’s syndrome is elevation of LFTs due to cholestasis in renal cell carcinoma.

689 - Mollaret’s meningitis is benign recurrent aseptic meningitis.

690 - Blount’s disease is idiopathic varus bowing of tibia.

691 - Tinel’s sign is a sensation of tingling or pins and needles felt in distal extremity when percussion is made over the site of an injured nerve; it indicates a partial lesion or early regeneration of the nerve; 60% sens - 67% spec.

692 - Lambl’s excrescences is small filiform or lamellar lesions on aortic valve leaflets - first described in 1856.

693 - Russell-Silver syndrome is syndrome characterized by lateral asymmetry and low-birth-weight dwarfism.

694 - Cantrell - pentalogy of is diaphragmatic defect (hernia) - cardiac abnormality - omphalocele - pericardium malformation/absence - sternal cleft.

695 - Omenn’s syndrome is combined immunodeficiency with hypereosinophilia; associated with mutations in Rag-1 and Rag-2 proteins and decreased V(D)J recombination efficiency.

696 - Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome is congenital condition characterized by port-wine stain (cutaneous capillary hemangiomas) - soft tissue and bony hypertrophy - and venous malformations and lymphatic abnormalities - usually limited to one limb. absence of deep venous system , congenital AV fistulas , varicose veins and hypertrophy of involved extremity .

697 - Amsler grid = Chart used to detect or document macular diseases . by Marc Amsler.

698 - Kerley A lines is in pulmonary edema - thin nonbranching lines several inches in length - radiating from hila - and not following the course of vessels or airways - attributed to thickening of connective tissue sheets which contain communicating perivenous and bronchoarterial lymphatics.

699 - glycogen storage diseases is type I - von Gierke’s disease; type II - Pompe’s disease; type III - Cori’s disease; type V - McAdle’s syndrome.

700 - Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome is slow central nervous system disease - hereditary as well as transmissible prion disease with same mutation - point mutation in codon 102 of prion protein as CJD; characterized by cerebellar dysfunction with multiple plaques.

701 - Lenègre’s disease is sclerodegenerative disease of conduction system - particularly of right bundle branch and left anterior fasicle in people over 50; associated with slow progression to complete heart block.

702 - kehr's sign - pain in the left shoulder - hemoperitoneum - rupture of spleen .

703 - peyronie's disease - palpable fibrous plaque on dorsal penile shaft . Peyronie's disease is a connective tissue disorder involving the growth of fibrous plaques in the soft tissue of the penis affecting as many as 1-4% of men. Specifically the fibrosing process occurs in the tunica albuginea, a fibrous envelope surrounding the penile corpora cavernosa.Peyronies Disease is also formally known as "penile induration" or "Induratio Penis Plastica (IPP)" and colloquially as "bent nail syndrome". A French surgeon, François de la Peyronie, first described the disease in 1743.

704 - esthesio neuroblastoma arises from - OLFACTORY NERVE . esthesio neuroblastoma or olfactory neuroblastoma are uncommon highly malignant tumors , arising from the bipolar sensory receptor cells in the olfactory mucosa .

705 - dumbell tumor is - neurofibroma .

706 - kuntz nerve - The eponym, nerve of Kuntz, should be restricted to descriptions of the intra thoracic branch of the first intercostal nerve. the nerve of kuntz is an important landmark in CERVICODORSAL SYMPATHECTOMY .

707 - thumb printing sign is characteristic of - ischemic colitis . this sign is also seen in acute epiglottitis .

708 - hour glass stomach is seen in - gastric ulcer .

709 - strawberry gallbladder - seen in cholesterosis .

710 - rosenthal syndrome - deficiency of clotting factor 11 .

711 - nicoladoni or branham's sign - seen in ARTERIO-VENOUS FISTULA . pressure on the artery proximal to the fistula causes the swelling to diminish in size , a thrill or bruit to cease, the pulserate to fall and the pulse pressure to come to normal.

712 - allen's test - done to test the integrity of the palmar arch ( arterial ) .

713 - popcorn calcification - on mammography - is seen in fibroadenoma .

714 - peau d' orange appearance of breast cancer - due to blockage of subdermal lymphatics . also seen in chronic breast abscess .

715 - mondor's disease - thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of breast . cord like appearance of subcutaneous veins .

716 - haagensen's signs of - inoperability of the carcinoma of breast - they are a) extensive edema of the breast b)satellite nodules of carcinoma c)inflammatory carcinoma d) a parasternal tumor , indicating spread to the internal mammary nodes e) supraclavicular metastasis f) edema of the arm g) distant metastasis .

717 - brodie's disease - cystosarcoma phylloides - a benign tumor of the breast characterised by massive enlargement of the breast . treatment is by simple mastectomy .

718 - paget's disease of breast and nipple - paget's disease of nipple is a superficial manifestation of an underlying breast carcinoma . it presents as an eczema like condition of the nipple and areola which persists inspite of local treatment . diagnosis is made by biopsy ( not cytology ) . treatment is by biopsy and simple mastectomy .

719 - tylectomy - literally means excision of a lump - done in breast lumps .

720 - patey procedure - surgery of breast carcinoma - type of modified radical mastectomy - removal of pectoralis minor and preservation of pectoralis major .

721 - scanlon's modification of patey's procedure - here the pectoralis minor is just divided but not removed to allow complete removal of level 3 axillary lymph nodes .

722 - halstead's radical mastectomy - removes all breast tissue and skin , the nipple areola complex , the pectoralis major and minor muscles and the level 1 ,2 and 3 axillary lymph nodes .

723 - auchinloss procedure - modified radical mastectomy - where both pectoralis major and minor are preserved with removal of level 1 and 2 axillary lymph nodes .

724 - askanazy cells or hurthle cells - metaplastic transformation of follicular cells - abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm - seen in hashimoto's thyroiditis , nodular goitre , graves disease and thyroid neoplasm .

725 - de Quervan's thyroiditis or subacute thyroiditis - viral etiology - usually follows URTI . increased ESR - tends to regress spontaneously - painful and associated with enlargements of thyroid .

726 - barrett's esophagus - due to GERD - lower esophageal epithelium - metaplasia to intestinal epithelium ( columnar ) - premalignant - adenocarcinoma - high incidence in males - leads to stricture ( may be present in high esophagus ) and ulcers - medical treatment useful but only to reduce symptoms - cannot reverse the condition - may present as a patchy or ring involvement - endoscopy helps in diagnosis but biopsy confirms the diagnosis .

727 - mallory weiss syndrome - partial thickness rupture - below the gastroesophageal junction - in the gastric cardia - only a few tears involve the gastro-esophageal junction . tear only involves th e mucosa and submucosa but not the muscular layer . where as in boerhaave syndrome , the tear is full thickness tear thru the esophagus with spillage of contents into the mediastinum . seen in alcoholics , patients who abuse analgesics , pregnant females and patients with hiatus hernia .

728 - dysphagia lusoria - compression of aberrant blood vessel on the esophagus causing dysphagia .

729 - schatazki's ring - mucosal ring at squamocolumnar junction of esophagus and stomach - dysphagia is the symptom .

730 - heller's operation is done for - achalsia cardia .

731 - pencil tip deformity is seen in - achalsia cardia .

732 - patterson-brownkelly syndrome - otherwise called plummer-vinson syndrome - iron deficiency anemia - prone to post cricoid cancer - post cricoid web - koilonychia - predisposes to hypopharynx malignancy . occurs in elderly females .

733 - troisier's sign - left supraclavicular lymph node enlargement - carcinoma stomach .

734 - trosseau sign - muscular spasm resulting from pressure applied to nerves and vessels of the upper arm indicative of later tetany ( hypocalcemia ) .

735 - trosseau syndrome - migratory thrombophlebitis seen in many cancers - cancer pancreas , gastric cancer, prostate cancer , lung cancer , ovarian cancer , lymphoma . but wen asked that the trosseau syndrome is most commonly seen in which type of cancer , the answer has to be pancreatic cancer .

736 - curling's ulcer - seen in burns patient - shallow multiple erosions .

737 - cushing's ulcers - seen in head injury and craniotomy cases - also called stress ulcers .

738 - trichobezoar - hair ball in stomach in psychiatric patient . bezors are concretions of undigestible matter that accumulate in the stomach .

739 - phytobezors - balls composed of vegetable matter ( undigestible ) .

740 - honey comb liver is seen in - actinomycosis . liver abscess .

741 - sengstaken tube - used in the treatment of bleeding varices - has to maintain a pressure of 35 mm of Hg to stop bleeding from the varices .

742 - child pugh criteria - for liver transplantation - components a) encephalopathy b) ascites c) prothrombin time d) albumin e ) bilirubin . least 5 and highest 15 . 5-6 = class A - 7-9 = class B - 10-15 = class C .

743 - couinad's nomenclature - segments of liver - segment with independent vascularisation - segment 1 - caudate lobe - based on the position of hepatic veins and portal vein .

744 - gredinogo's triad ( petrositis ) - persistent ear discharge , retroorbital pain and 6th nerve palsy .

745 - trotter's triad - seen in nasopharyngeal carcinoma - trigeminal neuralgia , immobility of homolateral soft palate and conductive deafness . ( TIC )

746 - alport syndrome - triad - progressive renal failure , sensory neural deafness and ocular anamolies . the disease that will never recur after renal transplantation . ( SOaP )

747 - whipple's triad - islet cell tumor - insulinoma . triad - symptoms of hypoglycemia , relief with ingestion of glucose and glucose serum less than 45 mg/dl .

748 - cocket and dodd's operation is for - subfascial ligation .

749 - trendelenburg test - a test used to detect perforator incompetence in varicose veins .

750 - rogoff's sign - palpation on the costovertebral angle produces pain and tenderness in acute adrenal insufficiency .

751 - meig's syndrome - ascites , hydrothorax and benign ovarian tumor .

752 - morgagni hernia - hernia between the costal and sternal part of the diaphragm .

753 - hernia through the pleuroperitoneal canal - bochdalek hernia .

754 - gleason's staging is done in - carcinoma prostate .

755 - buschke - lowenstein tumor - giant condyloma accuminata .

756 - Keratin Pearls - seen in SCCA ( squamous cell carcinoma antigen ).

757 - BAMBOO Bodies - seen in asbestos bodies.

758 - netherton syndrome - Trichorrhexis Invaginata (Netherton Syndrome or Bamboo Hair) - Netherton syndrome (NS) is a rare autosomal recessive genodermatosis of unknown cause characterized by the following: erythroderma, trichorrhexis invaginata (TI) (bamboo hair), ichthyosis linearis circumflexa (ILC), atopic diathesis, and failure to thrive.

759 - SCHAUMANN Bodies - seen in SARCOIDOSIS.

760 - PSAMOMMA Bodies - Psammoma bodies are commonly seen in certain tumors such as:

* papillary thyroid carcinoma

* papillary renal cell carcinoma

* serous papillary ovarian adenocarcinoma (cystadenocarcinoma)

* endometrial adenocarcinomas(Papillary serous carcinoma ~3%-4%)

* meningioma

* mesothelioma.

761 - Donovan Bodies - seen in granuloma inguinale (STD).

762 - Alder-Reilly anomaly - Also known as: Alder's anomaly , Alder's syndrome , Reilly's granulation anomaly , Reilly's anomaly . Associated persons: Albert von Alder , William Anthony Reilly.

Inheritable anomaly with disturbance of the polysaccharid metabolism; with larger than usual azurophile cytoplasmatic granula in the neutrophile leucocytes. Neutrophile granulocytes, or also monocytes and lymphocytes containg conspicuous, dark or redish coloured granula. The appearance resembles “toxic granulation” seen in sepsis etx. It is often associated with gargoylism and disturbance of skeletal growth, and particularly with the mucopolysaccharidoses, e.g. Hunter, Hurler, Maroteaux-Lamy syndromes. Inheritance is autosomal recessive.


764 - ODLAND Bodies - seen in KERATINOSOME .

765 - Charcot Triad - seen in multiple sclerosis (nystagmus , intention tremor and scanning speech) . there are two sets of charcot's triads and this is the second one .

766 - PASCHEN Bodies - seen in variola or vaccinia .

767 - OKEN'S Body - seen in mesonephros .

768 - Heinz Bodies - seen in G6PD Deficiency .

769 - Ferruginous Bodies - seen in asbestosis .

770 - Aschoff Bodies - seen in rheumatic fever .

771 - Keyser-Fleischer Ring - seen in Wilson's disease .

772 - Brushfield Spots - seen in Down's syndrome .

773 - NEGRI Bodies - seen in RABIES .

774 - Lewy Bodies - seen in Parkinson's Disease .

775 - Hirano Bodies - seen in Alzheimer's disease .


777 - Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction - seen in Syphilis over-aggressive treatment of an asymptomatic Patient that causes symptoms secondary to rapid lysis .

778 - Auer Rods - seen in acute myelocytic leukemia . ( AML) .

779 - Schwartzman Reaction - seen in Neisseria meningitidis impressive rash with bugs .

780 - Chocolate Cysts - seen in endometriosis .

781 - MOOSER Bodies - seen in ENDEMIC TYPHUS .

782 - Warthin-Finkeldey Giant Cells - seen in Measles .

783 - BABES - ERNST Bodies - seen in metachromatic granules.

784 - VEROCAY Bodies - seen in schwanoma .

785 - Lines of Zahn - seen in arterial thrombus .

786 - PICK Bodies - seen in PICKS D/S .

787 - Heberden's Nodes - seen in Osteoarthritis (DIP) .

788 - Clue Cells - seen in Gardnerella vaginitis .

789 - Cotton Wool Spots - seen in HTN .

790 - REILLY Bodies - seen in hurlur's syndrome .

791 - Heterophil Antibodies - seen in infectious mononucleosis (EBV) .

792 - Call Exners Bodies - seen in Granulosa theca cell tumour .

793 - CYTOID Bodies - seen in in degenerated retinal.N fibres..seen in cotton wool spots .

794 - HERRING Bodies - seen in NEUROHYPOPHYSIS .


796 - HARTING Bodies - seen in calcospheritis in the cerebral capillaries .

797 - bouchards nodes are seen in rheumatoid arthritis .

798 - Port-Wine Stain - seen in Hemangioma.

799 - Reinke Crystals - seen in Leydig cell tumor .

800 - BODY OF HIGHMORE - seen in mediastinum testis .

801 - SANDSTORM Bodies - seen in parathyroid glands .

802 - Councilman Bodies - seen in dying hepatocytes.( hepatitis B )

803 - WINKLER Bodies - seen in syphilis.

804 - COCCOID X Bodies - seen in psittacosis .

805 - MALLORY Bodies - seen in ALCOHOLIC HEPATITIS .

806 - Kimmelstiel-Wilson Nodules - seen in diabetic nephropathy .

807 - Codman's Triangle - seen in osteosarcoma.

808 - Hirano Bodies - seen in Alzheimer's.

809 - Birbeck Granules - seen in histiocytosis X (eosinophilic granuloma).

810 - Koilocytes - seen in HPV .

811 - BRASSY BODY - seen in dark shrunken blood corpuscle found in MALARIA .

812 - Proud syndrome is Mental retardation with agenesis of the corpus callosum microcephaly limb contractures scoliosis coarse facies tapered digits and urogenital abnormalities Males are more severely affected than females.

813 - Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome is A skin pigmentation disorder with malformations of the eyes teeth bones nails heart central nervous system and hair Mental deficiency is usually associated The syndrome is divided into two forms: Incontinentia pigmenti type I and type II which lethal in males.

814 - Lenz-Majewski syndrome is Progressive hyperostosis characteristic facies short trunk and limbs disproportionately large head sclerosis of the skull bones and vertebrae interdigital webbing hypoplastic or aplastic middle phalanges mental retardation and other defects.

815 - Rosselli-Gulienetti syndrome is A syndrome of anhidrosis-hypotrichosis pili torti microdontia nail dysplasia cleft lip/palate urogenital abnormalities and mental retardation.

816 - Bartter syndrome is Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the juxtaglomerular apparatus with secondary hyperaldosteronism with normal blood pressure and hyperkalemic alkalosis in the absence of edema Most patients show growth and mental retardation Nephrocalcinosis and hypercalcinuria occur in some cases Diuretic abuse may produce a syndrome with similar characteristics (pseudo-Bartter or factitious Bartter syndrome).

817 - Toriello syndrome is A subtype of frontonasal dysplasia (FND) associated with postaxial polydactyly tibial hypoplasia epibulbar epidermoid occipital encephalocele agenesis of the corpus callosum Dandy-Walker malformation (partial or complete absence of the cerebellar vermis hydrocephalus and posterior fossa cyst continuous with the fourth ventricle and mental retardation.

818 - Snyder-Robinson syndrome is This syndrome was originally reported as a nonspecific form of MXLR The phenotype was later redefined to include large head asthenic body build with diminished muscle bulk marfanoid habitus (tall stature with long and slim limbs little subcutaneous fat muscle hypotonia and arachnodactyly) nasal speech characteristic facies scoliosis thin fingers and other anomalies.

819 - Richards-Rundle syndrome is Hearing loss mental retardation ataxia hypogonadism peripheral muscle wasting and ketoaciduria progressing from childhood and eventually becoming static.

820 - Golabi-Ito-Hall syndrome is Mental retardation with growth deficiency craniofacial deformities heart defects and dry and brittle hair This and X-linked mental retardation 1 are considered similar but separate entities.

821 - Woods syndrome is A craniodigital syndrome of prenatal growth retardation microcephaly mental retardation syndactyly of the fingers and minor facial anomalies.

822 - Baller-Gerold syndrome is A rare syndrome of craniosynostosis radial aplasia delayed psychomotor development and variable craniofacial cardiac renal and skeletal defects.

823 - Rodrigues syndrome is A syndrome of mental retardation blindness owing to severe ocular malformations short stature dysmorphic facies hypotrichosis and dental abnormalities Named after the island of Rodrigues in the Indian Ocean where the syndrome was first observed.

824 - Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome is A progressive condition marked by bilateral nerve deafness and neurological disorders involving several cranial and less commonly spinal nerves.

825 - Laband syndrome is A syndrome of gingival fibromatosis hepatosplenomegaly and anomalies of the nose bones and nails occasionally associated with mental retardation.

826 - Weaver-Williams syndrome is Mental retardation microcephaly weight deficiency unusual facies clinodactyly bone hypoplasia and cleft palate.

827 - Cohen syndrome is Obesity and hypotonia in association with delayed mental development characteristic facies and slender hands and feet The syndrome is divided into two forms: one which is manifested by the symptoms as outlined by Cohen and the other characterized by chorioretinal dystrophy leukopenia and lack of obesity known as the Norio syndrome The syndrome is sometimes is referred to as the Pepper syndrome after the affected family Mirhosseini-Holmes-Walton and Cohen syndrome share many common characteristics.

828 - Sturge-Weber syndrome is A group of neurocutaneous disorders manifested by facial and leptomeningeal angiomas ipsilateral gyriform calcifications of the cerebral cortex seizures development delay hemiplegia emotional and behavioral problems and glaucoma and other ocular disorders Nevus flammeus on the side of the face ipsilateral to angiomatosis sometimes extends to neck chest and back Angiomatosis may occasionally involve the choroid plexus thyroid pituitary gland lungs gastrointestinal organs pancreas ovaries and thymus Correlation between the distribution of the nevus and the course of the trigeminal nerve is responsible for naming the syndrome trigemino-encephalo-angiomatosis but later findings found the relationship to be fortuitous The syndrome frequently occurs in incomplete forms presenting different combinations of symptoms.

829 - Norrie syndrome is Blindness often accompanied by mental deficiency hearing impairment and other disorders The original report describes the syndrome in 7 boys in a Danish family but later cases were reported in several other geographic areas including Episkopi in Cyprus (hence the synonym Episkopi blindness).

830 - Garcia-Lurie syndrome is Anomalies of the prosencephalic structures atelencephaly and microcephaly in association with congenital heart diseases preaxial limb malformations eye abnormalities and genital and other deformities The disorder is frequently lethal Infants who survive are severely retarded Ring chromosome 13 duplication of the long arm of chromosome 13 and this syndrome share many common clinical features In the synonym XK syndrome the letter X stands for the unreported name of the patient of Garcia and Duncan and K for the initial of Lurie's patient.

831 - Gareis-Mason syndrome is X-linked mental retardation syndrome associated with aphasia shuffling gait adducted thumbs and other abnormalities MASA syndrome X-linked hydrocephalus and spastic paraplegia (SPG1) share many common characteristics with this syndrome.

832 - McDonough syndrome is A syndrome of psychomotor retardation characteristic facies kyphoscoliosis diastasis recti cryptorchidism and congenital heart defect Named after Dr Kenneth B McDonough who referred to the authors the original family affected with this syndrome.

833 - Brissaud syndrome is Congenital hypofunction of the thyroid gland with long trunk dwarfism protruding abdomen large head characteristic facies mental deficiency and other abnormalities Cretinism associated with goiter is called goitrous cretinism Forms related to dysgenesis of the thyroid gland are referred to as athyreotic cretinism agoitrous cretinism or hypothyroidism athyreotic hypothyroidism thyroid dysgenesis Muscular hypertrophy in hypothyroid children is known as Kocher-Debré-Semelaigne syndrome.

834 - Hurst syndrome is Craniosynostosis short stature deformed ears and skeletal changes originally reported in two unrelated boys.

835 - Dandy-Walker syndrome is Hydrocephalus absence of the cerebellar vermis and posterior fossa cyst continuous with the fourth ventricle are the main characteristics of this syndrome About 4% of all cases of hydrocephalus are complicated by DWS Associated disorders may include Aase-Smith syndrome 1 Aicardi Coffin-Siris cryptophthalmos Ehlers-Danlos Ellis-van Creveld Jones syndrome Joubert Ruvalcaba-Myhre-Smith Walker-Warburg Meckel Ritscher-Schinzel and Veradi syndromes Dandy-Walker syndrome associated with macrocephaly facial anomalies developmental delay and brain stem dysgenesis inherited as an X-linked recessive trait was reported as a separate syndrome.

836 - Norman-Roberts syndrome is A lissencephaly syndrome characterized by smoothness of the surface of the brain (lissencephaly type I) with thickening of the cerebral cortex (pachygyria) absence of gyri and sulci (agyria) microcephaly mental retardation low sloping forehead and prominent nasal bridge.

837 - Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome is Cerebellar ataxia congenital cataracts which progresses to blindness and psychomotor retardation.

838 - Pitt-Rogers-Danks syndrome is Short stature characteristic facies microcephaly telecanthus prominent eyes abnormal slanting of the palpebral fissures hypoplastic maxilla short philtrum large mouth and severe mental retardation.

839 - Pautrier's Microabscesses is pathognomic for mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma).

840 - Tram-Track Glomeruli is pathognomic for membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.

841 - Kaussmaul Breathing is pathognomic for acidosis.

842 - Current-Jelly Sputum is pathognomic for Klebsiella.

843 - Simian Crease is pathognomic for Down's syndrome .

844 - Philadelphia Chromosome is pathognomic for CML & ALL.

845 - Cheyne-Stokes Breathing is pathognomic for cerebral lesion.

846 - caroli's disease - multiple dilatation of intrahepatic bile ducts . ( cause of choledochal cyst ) .

847 - ormond's disease - retractile mesenteritis .

848 - randall's plaques cause - urinary stones .

849 - pancoast tumor is seen with the tumor of the apical lobe of lung . also called superior sulcus tumor syndrome - results from local extension of a tumor growing in the apex of the lung with involvement of the eigth cervical and first and second thoracic nerves , with shoulder pain that characteristically radiates in the ulnar distribution of the arm , often with radiological destruction of the first and second ribs .

850 - kasabach-meritt syndrome - thrombocytopenia and hemorrhagic manifestation due to trapping and destruction of platelets within the AV malformations .

851 - hynes pharyngoplasty - a surgery done to treat cleft palate - is used to improve a child's speech .

852 - rhytidectomy - removal of wrinkles on forehead .

853 - millard's operation or technique - used in cleft lip repair - ROTATION ADVANCEMENT TECHNIQUE - most widely used among all . other techniques are thompson's technique , tennison's technique , le mesurier's method .

854 - tripod fracture - fracture of the zygomatic bone - it is called tripod fracture because the frx occurs at three regions . they are the infraorbital region ,zygomaticotemporal fracture and zygomatico-frontal fracture .

855 - le fort fractures - fractures of the face - 3 types - lefort 1 , le forte 2 and le forte 3 . type 1 is transeverse frx , type 2 pyramidal frx and type 3 is craniofacial dysjunction .

856 - jack stone calculi - seen in bladder - spiculated calculi comprising mainly of calcium oxalate which resemble the jack fruit and hence the name .

857 - oschner sherren regimen is used in the management of - appendicular mass .

858 - bastede's sign - when the rectum is inflated with air through a rectal tube , pain and tenderness occur in the right iliac fossa in case of appendicitis . ( rovsing's sign - palpation in the left iliac fossa will cause pain in the right iliac fossa - other sign seen in acute appendicitis ) .

859 - Boas' or Boas's sign is hyperaesthesia (increased or altered sensitivity) below the right scapula can be a symptom in acute cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) [1] It is one of many symptoms a medical provider may look for during an abdominal examination. Additionally, it is a right subscapular pain due to cholelithiasis and it is less than 7% sensitive.

860 - mac ewan's sign ( also spelt mac ewen's sign or macewan sign ) An indication of hydrocephalus in which percussion of the skull generates a cracked-pot sound.

861 - murphy's sign - It is useful for differentiating right upper quadrant abdominal pain. Typically, it is positive in cholecystitis, but negative in choledocholithiasis and ascending cholangitis.Classically, it is performed by asking the patient to breathe out and then gently placing the hand below the costal margin on the right side at the mid-clavicular line (the approximate location of the gallbladder). The patient is then instructed to inspire (breathe in). Normally, during inspiration, the abdominal contents are pushed downward as the diaphragm moves down (and lungs expand). If the patient stops breathing in (as the gallbladder is tender and, in moving downward, comes in contact with the examiner's fingers) the test is considered positive. A positive test also requires no pain on performing the manoeuvre on the patient's left hand side.

862 - milroys disease - the familial version of congenital lymphedema . edema onset before 1 year , typically present at birth .

863 - meige's disease - the familial version of lymphedema precox . lymphedema precox is primary lymphedema with onset between the age of 1 and 35 years .

864 - reed sternberg cell - malignant cell in hodgkin's lymphoma .

865 - lund and browder chart - chart used to estimate the percentage of skin burnt to the total body surface area in children . neck is taken as 2 % in all age groups , but the head accounts for 19 % at birth , 17 % at 1 year of age , 13 % at 5 years of age and 7 % in the case of adults .

866 - parkland formula - used in the fluid calculation for resuscitation in burns patient .

parkland formula = percentage of burns X weight of the individual X 4 = fluid in ml ( only crystalloids - RL )

867 - galveston formula - used in the fluid calculation for resuscitation in pediatric burns cases .

galveston formula = 5000 ml/square meter burned + 1500 ml / square meters of total BSA . ( only crystalloids - RL )

868 - brooke formula - used in the fluid calculation for resuscitation in burns patient . it differs from the parkland formula in having colloids and water in the formula .

brooke formula = percentage of burns X weight of the individual X 1.5 ( crystalloid - RL )

brooke formula = percentage of burns X weight of the individual X 0.5 ( colloid - albumin )

brooke formula = 2 litres of free water .

869 - hungry bone syndrome - in the immediate post operative period of parathyroids removal surgery , hypocalcemia results due to excessive uptake of calcium by the bone . this is called hungry bone syndrome .

870 - wermer's syndrome - MEN 1 - pituitary tumors or hyperplasia , pancreatic carcinoma or adenoma or islet cell hyperplasia and parathyroid hyperplasia and adenoma , other less common manifestations are pheochromocytoma , foregut carcinoid and subcutaneous or visceral lipomas . so remember pheochromocytomas can also be a manifestation of MEN 1 .

871 - tear drop bladder is seen in - perivesical hemorrhage with rupture .

872 - warthins tumor - also called adenolymphoma of the parotid gland - also called papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum - arises only from the parotid gland - almost never turns malignant ( pleomorphic adeoma turns malignant).

873 - wharton's duct - duct of the submandibular salivary gland .

874 - sialography - also called ptyalography - x ray contrast examination of the salivary ducts and glands . contraindicated in acute sialadenitis ( parotitis ) .

875 - sialosis refers to - non-inflammatory , symmetrical , painless , recurrent enlargement of the salivary glands .

876 - frey's syndrome - also called as gustatory sweating - complication of parotidectomy - damage to the AURICULOTEMPORAL NERVE during dissection , followed by inappropriate regeneration of parasympathetic autonomic nerve fibres which thus stimulate the sweat glands of the overlying skin . hence also called as the auriculotemporal syndrome .

877 - mc neal's peripheral zone - present in the prostate - and this zone is the seat of prostatic carcinoma .

878 - marion's disease - muscular hypertrophy of internal sphincter of the urinary bladder .

879 - batson's periprostatic plexus - this is a plexus of veins which do not have valves and this is the reason the prostatic carcinoma most commonly metastasises to the vertebrae .

880 - hunterian ligature operation - one of the many ligature operations done for aneurysms - becoming obsolete now - other ligature operations are anel's method , wardrop's method , brasdor's method and antylus method .

881 - abbey-estlander flap - reconstruction flap used to reconstruct LIP .

882 - sappey's line - a line encircling the trunk just above the umbilicus . sappey's line is an imaginary circumferential line centered around L2 where if a melanoma is situated may drain into any one or more of these four sites: both groins and both axillae. but if the melanoma is situated above this sappy's line it is thought that the drainage goes to the axillary nodes and if the melanoma is below this line the drainage is thought to be to the groin lymph nodes . Sappey originally injected mercury into the skin of cadavers and showed that a line drawn just above the umbilicus would differentiate inguinal drainage and axillary drainage. Lesions within 2 cm of this line had bidirectional drainage. With the use of these techniques, drainage patterns not predicted by Sappey's original description of the cutaneous watershed areas have been frequently observed. However, with the advent of lymphoscintigraphy, Sappey's guide to lymphatic flow has been modified.

883 - bisgaurd’s method of treatment - is for venous ulcer .

884 - duhamel's operation - is done for hirschsprung's disease .

885 - bolognini's symptom - a feeling of crepitation occuring from gradual increasing pressure on the abdomen - this is seen in measles .

886 - mauriac's syndrome - diabetes + obesity + dwarfism .

887 - corpora amylaciae is seen in - prostate .

888 - ramsted's operation is done for - congenital pyloric stenosis .

889 - hilton's method - of treatment of an axillary abscess - is advised to protect vital structures - this method is chosen to drain an abscess when there are many important structures like nerves and vessels around the abscess cavity , like axilla . in this method incision is made only through skin and subcutaneous fascia , but the deep fascia is not incised . a pair of artery forceps or sinus forceps is insinuated through the deep fascia into the abscess cavity . the blades are gradually opened to drain the pus . THIS METHOD OF OPENING IS MOST USEFUL IN PAROTID ABSCESS .

890 - nezelof's syndrome - recurrent episodes of pneumonia .

891 - Quant's sign - a T shaped depression in the occipital bone - may be present in - RICKETS .

892 - witzelsucht syndrome - also called " pathological joking " - self amusement by poor jokes and puns - feature of frontal lobe tumors .

893 - biot's respiration - is seen in increased intracranial tension - Biot's respiration, sometimes also called cluster respiration, is an abnormal pattern of breathing characterized by groups of quick, shallow inspirations followed by regular or irregular periods of apnea.It is distinguished from ataxic respiration by having more regularity and similar-sized inspirations, whereas ataxic respirations are characterized by completely irregular breaths and pauses. As the breathing pattern deteriorates, it merges with ataxic respirations.Biot's respiration is caused by damage to the medulla oblongata due to strokes or trauma or by pressure on the medulla due to uncal or tentorial herniation. It generally indicates a poor prognosis.

894 - van buchem's syndrome - Endosteal hyperostosis (van Buchem's syndrome): Endosteal hyperostosis is usually inherited as autosomal recessive. Overgrowth and distortion of the mandible and brow become evident during midchildhood. Subsequently, cranial nerves become entrapped, leading to facial palsy and deafness. increased serum alkaline phosphatase . Life span is not compromised, stature is normal, and bones are not fragile. X-rays show widening and sclerosis of the calvaria, cranial base, and mandible. Diaphyseal endosteum in the tubular bones is thickened. Surgical decompression of entrapped nerves may be helpful.............Van Buchem's disease is a rare pathology with recessive transmission and variable expressivity characterised by a progressive cortical bone deposition. There are two types of this disease: Type I (Van Buchem's disease) progressive form for all life and with high level of PA (alkaline phosphate); Type II (Worth disease) the pathologic bone deposition stops at 20 years of age and the level of PA in the adult is normal. The most important histological feature is the bone hypertrophy with preservation of the lamellar frame. The bones interested are: skull vault, mandible, ribs, clavicle and diaphyseal portion of long bones. The first clinical manifestation became evident in childhood with progressive course. The narrowing of the cranial foramen is responsible of the progressive cranial nerves compression and the subsequent neurological signs. The disease is incurable; surgical treatment aims to reduce the intracranial pressure and to correct bones deformity. A clinical case in which the patient treated has esthetic problems but not neurological signs is presented.

895 - Pyle's disease - Metaphyseal dysplasia : This rare, autosomal recessive disorder is often confused semantically with craniometaphyseal dysplasia . Affected people are clinically normal, apart from genu valgum, although scoliosis and bone fragility occasionally occur.

896 - raji cell assays - are used to quantitate - immune complexes .

897 - hickey-hare test - a test used to diagnose DIABETES INSIPIDUS .

898 - seldinger needle - a needle used for arteriography .

899 - commando operation - an operation done for the excision of the carcinoma of tongue , the floor of the mouth , part of the jaw and lymph nodes enbloc .

900 - newman and seabrook's operation is used for - repair of parotid fistula .

901 - Philadelphia chromosome or Philadelphia translocation is a specific chromosomal abnormality that is associated with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). It is due to a reciprocal translocation designated as t(9;22)(q34;q11), which means an exchange of genetic material between region q34 of chromosome 9 and region q11 of chromosome 22. The presence of this translocation is a highly sensitive test for CML, since 95% of people with CML have this abnormality (The remainder have either a cryptic translocation that is invisible on G-banded chromosome preparations, or a variant translocation involving another chromosome or chromosomes as well as the long arm of chromosomes 9 and 22). this 22 chromosome after translocation is called the PHILADELPHIA CHROMOSOME . However, the presence of the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome is not sufficient to diagnose CML, since it is also found in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL, 25–30% in adult and 2–10% in pediatric cases) and occasionally in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML).

902 - anchovy sauce pus - is a feature of amoebic liver abscess .

903 - arrow headed finger - on x ray - suggestive of acromegaly .

904 - steinstrasse - ureteric obstruction due to fragments in ureter .

905 - no man's land - in the palm - ZONE 2 .

906 - millard's rule of ten - applied to the time after birth when the cleft lip surgery is to be done - normally it is 3 months or 3 - 6 months . but millard who also developed the rotation advancement technique for cleft lip surgery developed a rule of ten where the child has to be more than 10 WEEKS old or greater than or equal to 10 LBS(4.5 kg) weight or shud have hemoglobin of 10 GM % . this is called the rule of ten by millard .

907 - lord's and jaboulay's operation - is done for hydrocele .

908 - treves fold or the fold of treves - the ileo-appendicular fold of peritoneum .

909 - john hunter - the surgeon who introduced catgut in surgery .

910 - joseph lister - the man who introduced the antiseptic surgery . he is the man who said " skin is the best dressing " .

911 - signe-de-dance - empty right iliac fossa in intussusception .

912 - left sided appendicitis - this term is usually used when the doctor refers to DIVERTICULITIS .

913 - brunshwings operation - pelvic exentration - Surgery to remove the lower colon, rectum, and bladder, and create stomata (openings) through which urine and stool are passed out of the body. In women, the cervix, vagina, ovaries, and nearby lymph nodes are also removed.Cancer Patient .

914 - lembert sutures - used in abdominal surgeries - they are sero muscular sutures .

915 - snow storm ascites - is seen in meconium ileus .

916 - tennis elbow - tendinitis over the common extensor origin - tenderness over the lateral epicondyle .

917 - brochardt's triad - seen in acute gastric volvulus - acute epigastric pain , violent retching and inability to pass a nasogastric tube .

918 - orthobaric oxygen - used in carbonmonoxide poisoning .

919 - adson's test - positive with cervical rib - 1. Indications - Evaluation of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome . 2. Technique - Patient breathes deeply - Neck extended - Chin turned toward affected side - Repeat test with chin to opposite side 3. Positive test findings are Decreased Radial Pulse and Distal extremity pain reproduced 4.Positive test suggests interscalene compression .

920 - sistrunk's operation - done in thyroglossal cyst and thyroglossal fistula . since the thyroglossal tract is closely associated with the hyoid bone , the central part of the hyoid bone is also excised.

921 - rivinus ducts or ducts of rivinus - sublingual salivary gland secretes via tiny openings called ducts of rivinus into the floor of the mouth or via several ducts which unite to form the common sublingual duct ( bartholin ) which then merges with the wharton's duct . wharton's duct is the duct of the submaxillary salivary gland .

922 - potato tumor - carotid body tumor - chemodectoma - non-chromaffin paraganglioma - associated with pheochromocytoma - arises from chemoreceptor cells - 5 th decade - painless lump - rubbery , pulsatile , firm . can be emptied by firm pressure but refills slowly - bruit may be present - mobile from side to side but not up and down - rarely metastasis - FNAC and BIOPSY contraindicated - surgical excision - operation is best avoided in elderly patients .

923 - moon's molars are seen in - syphilis .

924 - leonine facies - seen in lepromatous leprosy - L to L .

925 - sardonic grin - associated with - tetanus .

926 - dubois abscess - thymus gland abscess seen in congenital syphilis .

927 - clutton's joints - painless effusions in joints in congenital syphilis .

928 - erysipelas - skin disease caused by streptococcus pyogenes .

929 - floating teeth - radiographic finding in - Histiocytosis X .

930 - biligraffin - dye used in IV cholangiography .

931 - iapanoic acid - substance used in oral cholecystography ( OCG ) .

932 - limey bile - a toothpaste like emulsion in the gall bladder .

933 - the Adson's sign is loss of radial pulse while turning the head to the contralateral side, slightly elevating the chin and breathing in.Adson's sign is seen during abduction and external rotation at the shoulder, where there is loss of the radial pulse in the arm. It can be a sign of thoracic outlet syndrome. Thoracic outlet obstruction may be caused by a number of abnormalities, including degenerative or bony disorders, trauma to the cervical spine, fibromuscular bands, vascular abnormalities, and spasm of the anterior scalene muscle. Symptoms are due to compression of the brachial plexus and subclavian vasculature, and consist of complaints ranging from diffuse arm pain to a sensation of arm fatigue, frequently aggravated by carrying anything in the ipsilateral hand or doing overhead work such as window cleaning. sign elicited by doing the adson's test . Technique - Patient breathes deeply - Neck extended - Chin turned toward affected side - Repeat test with chin to opposite side .

934 - white hand sign - The white hand sign is a medical sign observed as a visible whitening of skin on the hand when the subject elevates the hands above the shoulder girdle with fingers pointing to the ceiling and palms facing forward. It results from this change in position causing a compression of the subclavian artery and temporary loss of circulation, as often occurs in patients with thoracic outlet syndrome, a complex syndrome involving the compression of various nerves and blood vessels between the axilla (armpit) and the base of the neck.

935 - theirsch operation - done for prolapse of rectum .

936 - warthin-starry stain - dye used to stain a specimen of chronic antral gastritis in a peptic ulcer disease patient .

937 - grey turner's sign - discoloration of flanks - sign seen in acute pancreatitis .

938 - prosopagnosia - inability to identify faces .

939 - kluver-bucy syndrome - lesion in the amygdala of the brain . it has been experimentally performed on animals and the symptoms are : a) the animal is not afraid of anything b) has extreme curiosity about everything c) forgets rapidly d) has tendency to place everything in mouth and sometimes even tries to eat a solid object e) often has a sex drive so strong that it attempts to copulate with immature animals of the wrong sex or even animals of different species .

940 - chrysotherapy - therapy using gold salts - used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis for patients who fail to improve or who cannot tolerate methotrexate .

941 - nucleus basalis of meynert - the part of the central nervous system typically affected by the alzheimer's disease .

942 – thanatology – is the science that deals with DEATH in all its aspects .

943 – tandem bullet – also known as the piggyback bullet – bullets ejected one after the other , when the first bullet having been stuck in the barrel , fails to leave the barrel and is ejected by the subsequently fired bullet .

944 – souvenir bullet – if a bullet is left in the body for a long time , it gets surrounded by dense fibrous tissue and this is called souvenir bullet .

945 – REAL classification – the classification proposed by the international lymphoma study group for non-hodgkin’s lymphoma .

946 – citelli’s angle – this is the sinodural angle . it is located between the sigmoid sinus and the middle fossa dura plate . others consider the superior side of trautmann’s triangle to be citelli’s angle .

947 – solid angle – this is the angle formed by the three semicircular canals .

948 – huguier’s canal – transmits the chorda tympani nerve out of the temporal bone anteriorly . it is situated lateral to the roof of the protympanum .

949 – huschke’s foramen – is located on the anterior tympanic plate along a non-ossified portion of the plate . it is near the fissures of santorini .

950 – porus acusticus – is the mouth of the internal auditory canal . the canal is divided horizontally by the crista falciformis .

951 - Dorello's canal an occasional opening in the temporal bone through which the abducens nerve and inferior petrosal sinus enter the cavernous sinus.

952 - Alcock's canal (also called pudendal canal) is an anatomical structure in the pelvis through which the internal pudendal artery, internal pudendal veins, and the pudendal nerve pass.

953 – ricochet bullet – a bullet which before striking the object aimed at , strikes some intervening object first and then after ricocheting and rebounding from this hits the object . ( let us call it rajnikanth’s bullet ) .

954 – yawning bullet – a bullet traveling in an irregular fashion instead of traveling nose on is called a yawning bullet .

955 – dum-dum bullet – is a jacketed bullet whose nose it cut off to expose the core .

956 – tumbling bullet – a bullet that rotates end on during its motion is called a tumbling bullet .

957 – crew hair cut or hair on end appearance – skull x-ray – thalassemia .

958 – masochism - gratification gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc., inflicted or imposed on oneself, either as a result of one's own actions or the actions of others, esp. the tendency to seek this form of gratification. Sadism and masochism, in the sense, describe psychiatric disorders characterized by feelings of sexual pleasure or gratification when inflicting suffering or having it inflicted upon the self, respectively. Sadomasochism is used in psychiatry to describe either the co-occurrence of sadism and masochism in one person as separate disorders, or as a replacement for both terms, depending on the theory used. So sexual asphyxia is associated with masochism .

959 – black tongue – seen in the abuse of – cocaine ( black teeth also ) .

960 – magnan’s symptom is seen in – cocaine abuse – chronic cocaine users – tactile hallucinations - feeling of some insect crawling under the skin or a feeling of sandy grains under the skin .

961 – kernohan-woltman sign or syndrome – cerebral lesion resulting in same side hemiparesis .

962 – blumberg sign – pain felt upon sudden release of steadily applied pressure on a suspected area of the abdomen indicative of peritonitis.

963 – fincher syndrome – tumor of the cauda equine region associated with spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage , low back pain and headache .

964 – bock ganglion ( also called carotid ganglion ) – a small ganglionic swelling on filaments from the internal carotid plexus , lying on the undersurface of the carotid artery in the carotid sinus .

965 – finney operation – gastroduodenostomy , which creates by the technique of closure , a large opening to ensure free emptying from the stomach .

966 – fisch-renwick syndrome – disorder resulting in congenital deafness , abnormal distance between paired organs and white forelock . ( also called renwick-fisch syndrome ). The other condition associated with white forelock is waardenburg syndrome .

967 – fitz-hugh and curtis syndrome – perihepatitis in women with a history of gonococcal or chlamydial salpingitis .

968 – abbe flap – a full thickness flap of the middle portion of lower lip , that is transferred to the upper lip or viceversa .

969 – abbe-zeiss apparatus ( alsocalled Thomas-zeiss apparatus ) – instrument for counting red blood cells in blood sample .

970 – glance bullet - causes gutter fracture .

971 – hoffman degradation – characteristic of atracurium .

972 – phlebotomus argentipes – vector of kala-azar in India .

973 – dawn phenomenon – early morning rise in plasma glucose – seen in diabetes mellitus .

974 – space of disse – seen in the liver .

975 – hassal’s corpuscle – seen in thymus .

976 – Argyll robertson’s pupil – loss of direct and consensual light reflexes , accommodation reflex present and miotic pupils . remember conditions with miotic pupils : organophosphorous poisoning and opioid poisoning .

977 - red current jelly stool – when passed by an infant with severe colic is diagnostic of – intussusception .

978 – herald patch – seen in pityriasis rosea .

979 – oil drop sign - is distinctive feature of – psoriasis of nails .

980 – the string sign of kantor – is diagnostic of – crohn’s disease .

981 – bennett’s fracture – fracture of the first metacarpal bone .

982 – jod basedow’s goiter – a type of thyroid goiter which follows excessive iodine intake

983 – pipe stem colon – characteristic of ulcerative colitis .

984 – dennis brown splints - are used in the treatment of CTEV ( talipes equino varus ) .

985 – kocher’s method – reduction of anterior dislocation of shoulder is done by this method .

986 – potato nose – hypertrophy of sebaceous glands .

987 – rain drop pigmentation – of the skin – seen in chronic arsenic poisoning .

988 – foster kennedy syndrome – seen in frontal lobe tumors .

989 – naegele’s pelvis – a type of pelvis in which one alae of the sacrum is not well developed .

990 – palmer’s sign – rhythmic uterine contractions – in early pregnancy .

991 – krukenberg tumor – tumor of the ovaries .

992 – gartner’s duct – remnant of wolffian duct . ( a part of mesonephros is also involved ).

993 – cobble stone appearance – of the eyelids is seen in – spring catarrh ( also called vernal keratoconjunctivitis ) .

994 – dinner fork deformity – feature of colles fracture .

995 – woodruff’s area - is located in the posterior area of the inferior turbinate .

996 – glycerol test – used for the diagnosis of the meniere’s disease .

997 – young’s operation – done for atrophic rhinitis .

998 – mc coy cell culture – is used for Chlamydia .

999 – sequestrum – dead bone and involucrum – new bone .

1000 - auspitz sign – seen in psoriasis .

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