Saturday, March 15, 2008

96 - test yourself in medicine - multiple choice questions in medicine with answers and explanations - 701 to 800

701 - glutathione is a tripeptide comprising of ?

answer : glutamic acid , cysteine and glycine .


702 - pinta is caused by ?

answer : treponema cerateum .


703 - pneumococcus : capsulated , gram positive , quellung or neufeld reaction , draughtsman concentric rings on culture , non-motile and oxidase and catalase negative .


704 - liver transplantation was first done by ?

answer : starzl .


705 - most important HLA for organ transplantation and tissue typing ?

answer : HLA-D .


706 - HLA matching is not necessary in which of the following organ transplantation ?

answer : liver transplantation .


707 - vitamin C deficiency causes deficiency of which enzyme ?

answer : proline hydroxylase .


708 - the couinaud's segmental nomenclature is based on the position of ?

answer : hepatic veins and portal vein .


709 - post gonococcal stricture urethra is most commonly situated in the ?

answer : bulbar urethra .


710 - reimplantation time for lower limb ?

answer : 8 hours .


711 - after oesophagectomy the best substitute of oesophagus is ?

answer : stomach .


712 - best and definitive diagnosis for breast lump ?

answer : open biopsy ( excision biopsy ).


713 - first diagnostic procedure when the patient presents with lump is ?

answer : FNAC .


714 - most malignant type of carcinoma breast ?

answer : mastitis carcinomatosa .


715 - flap commonly used in breast reconstruction is ?

answer : TRAM .


716 - spleniculi are accesory spleens , they are seen in ?

answer : hilum .


717 - splenosis means ?

answer : rupture of spleen and distribution of its tissue on peritoneum .


718 - spleen contains about how much percentage of the total blood volume ?

answer : 2 % .


719 - removal of senescent RBC from the circulation by spleen is called ?

answer : culling .


720 - triad of hypernephroma ?

answer : pain , hematuria and renal mass .


721 - gredinogo's triad ( petrositis ) ?

answer : persistent ear discharge , retroorbital pain and 6th nerve palsy .


722 - triad of behcet's syndrome ?

answer : recurrent oral ulcers , genital ulcers , iridocyclitis ( + skin ulcers make a tetrad ) .


723 - triad of kwashiorkor ?

answer : oedema , growth retardation and mental changes ( apathy , listlessness , lethargy ) .


724 - gold standard diagnostic test for varicose veins ?

answer : duplex imaging .


725 - NNRTI s - DEN - delaviridine , efavirenz , nevirapine .


726 - Neuritic Plaques - seen in Alzheimer's.


727 - Coarse azurophilic granules in the leuko - seen in ALDER - REILLY SYNDRome .


728 - Albumino-Cytologic Dissociation is pathognomic for Guillain-Barre (markedly increased protein in CSF with only modest increase in cell count).


729 - Rouleaux Formation is pathognomic for multiple myeloma RBC's stacked as poker chips.


730 - Podagra is pathognomic for gout (MP joint of hallux).


731 - Wire Loop Glomeruli is pathognomic for lupus nephropathy type IV.


732 - Chancre is pathognomic for primary Syphilis.


733 - Gower's Maneuver is pathognomic for Duchenne's MD use of arms to stand.


734 - S3 Heart Sound is pathognomic for L®R Shunt (VSD PDA) & Mitral Regurg & LV Failure.


735 - Depigmentation Of Substantia Nigra is pathognomic for Parkinson's.


736 - Cold Agglutinins is pathognomic for Mycoplasma pneumoniae & infectious mononucleosis.


737 - Crescents In Bowman's Capsule is pathognomic for rapidly progressive (crescentic glomerulonephritis).


738 - Painless Jaundice is pathognomic for pancreatic CA (head).


739 - Erythema Chronicum Migrans is pathognomic for Lyme Disease .


740 - Basophilic Stippling of RBCs is pathognomic for lead poisoning .


741 - Thyroidization of Kidney is pathognomic for chronic pyelonephritis .


742 - Tendinous Xanthomas is pathognomic for Familial Hypercholesterolemia .


743 - S4 Heart Sound is pathognomic for Pulmonary Stenosis & Pulmonary HTN.


744 - cleft lip is due to nonfusion of - maxillary process with the medial nasal process .


745 - unilateral cleft lip is associated with - posterior displacement of alar cartilage .


746 - most frequently fractured bone of the face ?

answer : nasal bone . then comes the zygomatic bone in the second place .


747 - fracture mandible with edentulous jaw is best treated by ?

answer : external fixator .


748 - common organism giving rise to UTI ?

answer : e coli .


749 - acute urinary retention in a male child may be due to ?

answer : meatal ulcer with scabbing.


750 - urinary cytology is a useful screening test for the diagnosis of ?

a- renal cell carcinoma

b- wilm's tumor

c- urothelial carcinoma

d- carcinoma prostate

answer is c . urothelial carcinoma .


751 - low and fixed specific gravity of urine is seen in ?

answer : chronic renal failure .


752 - on exertion urine stream increases in ?

answer : urethral stricture .


753 - UTI exists when the bacterial count in 1 ml of midstream specimen of urine is ?

answer : 10 to the power of 5 or more . ( 100000 or more - 1 lakh or more ) .


754 - site of transplantation in islet cell transplant for diabetes mellitus ?

answer : injected into the portal vein .


755 - which of the following present as acute abdomen ?

a- acute intermittent porphyria

b- tabes

c- pneumonitis of the lower lobe

d- all

answer is d . all the above .


756 - most common neoplasm of the appendix ?

answer : argentaffinoma ( carcinoid tumor ).


757 - the most common site of enlargement of lymphnodes in hodgkin's lymphoma is ?

answer : mediastinal nodes .


758 - treatment of acute lymphangitis ?

answer : antibiotics and rest .


759 - total dose of radiation in hodgkins disease ?

answer : 3000 to 5000 rad ( 40 gy = 4000 rad ) .


760 - most common site of lymphangiosarcoma ?

answer : post mastectomy edema of arm .


761 - grade 1 lymphedema - edema disappearing after overnight rest ( pitting edema that disappears after lying down or rest )

grade 2 lymphedema - non pitting edema which does not disappear easily .

grade 3 lymphedema - lymphedema associated with irriversible skin changes like fibrosis and papillae .


762 - most common infection after splenectomy ?

answer : streptococcal infection . ( mostly streptococcus pneumoniae )


763 - most common complication after splenectomy is ?

answer : chest infection .


764 - post splenectomy sepsis is common in ?

a- ITP

b- thalassemia

c- hereditary spherocytosis

d- trauma

answer is a , b , c .


765 - the most important radiological sign of splenic rupture is ?

answer : obliteration of splenic shadow .


766 - accidental small splenic rupture is treated with ?

answer : catgut suturing with omental patch .


767 - splenic vein thrombosis is best treated by?

answer : splenectomy .


768 - the rule of nine in the case of burns was first introduced by ?

answer : palaski and tennison and later modified by alexander wallace .


769 - IV fluids rule for burns ?

answer : percentage of body surface area burnt X weight of the person in kgs X 4 = VOLUME IN ml . parkland formula .


770 - fibroblast in healing wound is derived from ?

answer : local mesenchyme .


771 - the vitamin which has inhibitory effect on wound healing ?

answer : vitamin E .


772 - parathyroid adenoma most commonly involves which of the following site ?

a- thyroid substance

b- superior parathyroid lobe

c- inferior parathyroid lobe

d- in the mediastinum

answer is c . inferior parathyroid lobe .


773 - most common cause of hypercalcemic crisis is ?

a- parathyroid adenoma

b- parathyroid hyperplasia

c- carcinoma breast

d- paget's disease

answer is c . carcinoma breast .


774 - opsoclonus - myoclonus is a phenomenon seen in ?

a- neuroblastoma

b- wilms tumor

c- meningioma

d- cortical tuberculoma

answer is a . neuroblastoma .


775 - extraperitoneal rupture of urinary bladder - where is urine collected ?

answer : above urogenital diaphragm in the perivesical space .


776 - nerve which lies in association with the wharton's duct ?

answer : lingual nerve .


779 - pleomorphic adenoma is the most common tumor of the parotid , submandibular and the sublingual salivary glands .


780 - the most common tumor of the minor salivary glands ?

answer : adenoid cystic carcinoma followed by the mucoepidermoid carcinoma .


781 - most common duct stones - submandibular gland .


782 - in prostatic metastasis - the nodes which are most commonly involved ?

answer : obturator nodes .


783 - which of the following is the most troublesome source of bleeding during a radical retropubic prostatectomy ?

answer : dorsal venous complex .


784 - " sterile needle test " helps in differentiating ?

a- depth of burns

b- healing process

c- degenerative process

d- infection

answer is a . depth .


785 - gasless abdomen in X ray is a sign of ?

answer : acute pancreatitis .


786 - BCL 1 gene - mantle cell lymphoma

BCL 2 gene - follicular lymphoma .

MEN 1 gene - MEN 1 syndrome .

RET gene - MEN 2 syndrome .

MET gene - papillary renal tumor.

APC gene - familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome .

RB1 gene - retinoblastoma .

HPC 1 - hereditary prostate cancer .

EXT 1 and EXT 2 - exostosis - chondrosarcoma - hereditary multiple exostosis .

BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 - breast , ovarian , colon and prostate cancers - hereditary breast ovarian cancer .


787 - in the acronym " swelling " used for history and examination of a lump or swelling , the letter N stands for ?

answer : noise ( thrill / bruit ) .


788 - in triage yellow means - neither minor nor immediate category .

in triage green means - ambulatory patients / minor .

black - dead / non salvageable

red - immediate .


789 - precancerous lesions of the larynx are?

answer : keratosis laryngis and pachyderma laryngis .


790 - which of the following does not move on deglutition?

a- sublingual dermoid

b- thyroid nodule

c- pretracheal lymphnode

d- thyroglossal cyst

answer is a . sublingual dermoid .


791 - secondaries in neck with no obvious primary malignancy is most often due to ?

a- carcinoma stomach

b- carcinoma larynx

c- carcinoma nasopharynx

d- carcinoma thyroid

answer is c . carcinoma nasopharynx .


792 - the most common site of the internal opening of the branchial fistula is at the ?

answer : tonsillar fossa .


793 - radical dissection of the neck includes all except ?

a- cervical lymph nodes

b- sternocleidomastoid

c- phrenic nerves

d- internal jugular veins

answer is c . phrenic nerves .


794 - regarding cervical rib , which statement is correct ?

a- it causes pressure on the ulnar nerve.

b- pain is located in the forearm.

c- it always connects to the scalene tubercle by a fibrous band.

d- it passes through the apex of the supraclavicular triangle

answer is a and b .


795 - which of the parts of the body is not affected by leprosy ?

answer : ovary .


796 - in AIDS, lymphadenopathy is most often due to ?

a- TB

b- lymphoma

c- non specific enlargement of lymph node

d- kaposi sarcoma

answer is c .


797 - multiple fistula in ano - commonly occurs in ?

a- TB

b- LGV

c- gonococcal protocolitis

d- colloid carcinoma of rectum .

answer is a and b .


798 - erysipelas is caused by ?

answer : streptococcus pyogenes .


799 - most common type of oral carcinoma ?

answer : Lip .


800 - which of the following causes the least irritation of the peritoneal cavity ?

a- bile

b- blood

c- gastric enzyme

d- pancreatic enzyme

answer is b . blood .

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