Monday, January 14, 2008

39 - stroke mcqs

Question 1 : Swallowing disorders associated with cortical stroke:

1. Rarely result in aspiration pneumonia
2. Are usually more severe than in brain stem stroke
3. Are usually severe and permanent
4. Respond to thermal stimulation therapy------------------------------------------------ *
5. Are always clinically apparent with coughing and choking

Question 2 : A lacunar stroke will most likely cause:

1. visual field deficits
2. hemiparesis----------------------------- *
3. aphasia
4. agraphia
5. neglect

Question 3 : In the retraining of mobility following stroke, the first step is:

1. fitting with an AFO
2. achieving safe transfers
3. achieving standing balance
4. achieving sitting balance
5. achieving independent bed/mat mobility * * Right

Question 4 : A 69 year-old woman with right hemispheric stroke and resultant swallowing difficulties has a dense left hemiplegia, and left neglect but follows multiple step commands without hesitation. The dysphagia is most likely results from:

1. Decreased level of alertness
2. Impaired oral movement or sensation * * Right
3. Paralyzed vocal folds
4. Gastroesphageal reflux
5. Oral muscle spasticity

Question 5 : The most common type of stroke is:

1. Lacunar
2. Embolic
3. Thrombotic------------------------- *
4. Intracerebral hemorrhage
5. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Question 6 : A term for the language deficit accompanying cerebral stroke is:

1. agraphia
2. anosognosia
3. dysphagia
4. aphasia------------------------------------- *

Question 7 : The percentage of patents with urinary incontinence one year after stroke is approximately:

1. 20% or less * * Right
2. 25-30%
3. 40-50%
4. 60-70%
5. More than 70%

Question 8 : Urinary incontinence one week after stroke is best handled by:

1. Indwelling urinary catheter
2. Condom catheterization
3. Intermittent catheterization
4. Timed voids * * Right

Question 9 : The inability to carry out a motor task on command given adequate strength, sensation, coordination and comprehension is called:

1. Aphasia
2. Apraxia * * Right
3. Alexia
4. Aprosodia
5. Abulia

Question 10 : A 64 year-old right handed male presents with right upper limb plegia, right lower limb paresis, a hemisensory deficit, a decreased ability to comprehend verbal or written commands and poor language output. His lesion is most likely in the:

1. Anterior cerebral artery distribution
2. Basal ganglia
3. Middle cerebral artery distribution * * Right
4. Posterior cerebral artery distribution
5. Brain stem

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