Saturday, January 12, 2008

16 - lipid disorders - management mcqs

Question 1
Atherogenic phenotype B, commonly prevalent in the Indian population, includes
Elevated total cholesterol, elevated LDL and elevated triglycerides
Elevated triglycerides, low HDL and excess small dense LDL-------------------
Elevated triglycerides, elevated fibrinogen and increased Lipoprotein (a) levels
Elevated LDL, elevated triglycerides, low HDL and excess small dense LDL

Question 2
Lipid factors other than elevated LDL could be responsible for increased risk of coronary heart disease. These include:
Low levels of HDL
Elevated levels of Lipoprotein (a)
Elevated levels of triglycerides
Any of the above---------------

Question 3
The value of triglycerides considered normal as per NCEP guidelines, 2001 is:
50 mg/ dl
100 mg/ dl
150 mg/ dl-------------
200 mg/ dl

Question 4
Which of the following statements is not true with regard to HDL:
HDL <>
HDL > 60 mg / dl is considered high (as per NCEP guidelines, 2001)
HDL level is usually low in type 2 Diabetes patients
HDL levels are generally high in obese individuals--------------

Question 5
Hypertriglyceridemia can lead to:
Increased risk of coronary heart disease
Any of the above----------

Question 6
As per NCEP guidelines 2001, value of LDL considered optimal is:
100 mg/ dl-------------
130 mg/ dl
160 mg/ dl
190 mg/ dl

Question 7
Class of lipids against which statins are most effective is:
LDL Cholesterol------------
HDL Cholesterol
Lipoprotein (a)

Question 8
Drug of choice for lowering triglycerides is:
Nicotinic acid
Fish oils

Question 9
Components of metabolic syndrome are:
Dyslipidemia, smoking, obesity and increased blood pressure
Dyslipidemia, obesity, increased blood pressure, elevated glucose and prothrombotic state--------------
Dyslipidemia, obesity, hyperuricemia and low blood pressure
Dyslipidemia, obesity, low blood pressure and elevated glucose

Question 10
Effects of Fenofibrate on lipids include:
Marked reduction in LDL and triglycerides; and moderate increase in HDL
Marked reduction in LDL, triglycerides and HDL
Moderate reduction in LDL and triglycerides; and marked increase in HDL
Moderate reduction in LDL, Marked reduction in triglycerides and marked increase in HDL----------------

Question 11
Which of the following is true:
Fenofibrate and Statins should not be combined because of the danger of myopathy
Fenofibrate and Statin combination can be used but has a high risk of myopathy
Low dose statin plus fenofibrate can be used but is associated with a low risk of myopathy---------------
D. Fenofibrate and Statin should not be used together because they nullify each others effect

Question 12
Fenofibrate is indicated in:
Mixed Dyslipidemia
All of the above---------------

Question 13
Causes of secondary dyslipidemia include:
Obstructive liver disease
All of the above-----------

Question 14
ATP III recommends a multifaceted lifestyle approach designated TLC to reduce risk for coronary heart disease. Which of these is not a feature of TLC:
Cholesterol intake <>
Reduced intake of saturated fat (<7%of>
Weight reduction
Increased physical activity

Question 15
Diabetic dyslipidemia is characterized by:
High triglycerides, low HDL and high small dense LDL------------
Low triglycerides, low HDL and high small dense LDL
High triglycerides, high HDL and high small dense LDL
High triglycerides, high HDL and high small dense LDL

Question 16
Current evidence shows that Diabetic dyslipidemia can be treated with:
Statins only
Fibrates only
Statins or Fibrates
Statins or Fibrates or a combination of the two--------------

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