Saturday, January 12, 2008

18 - diuretic resistance mcqs

Question 1
What is diuretic resistance?
Short-term decrease in response to a diuretic
Occurrence of braking phenomenon before edema is relieved--------------
Occurrence of braking phenomenon after edema is relieved
Any of the above

Question 2
Diuretic resistance can be due to
Reduced renal function
Reduced peak concentration of loop diuretic in the tubular fluid
Delayed peak concentration of loop diuretic in the tubular fluid
Any of the above------------

Question 3
In renal failure diuretic resistance can be due to
Reduced renal blood flow
Reduced sodium filtration
Accumulation of organic acids that inhibit tubular secretion of the diuretic
Any of the above------------

Question 4
Which of these drugs could lead to apparent diuretic resistance?
Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs----------
Prostaglandin E2
None of the above
Both of the above

Question 5
Loop diuretics reach the tubular lumen by
Glomerular filtration
Passive diffusion
Active secretion----------
All the above

Question 6
Chronic administration of loop diuretics results in hypertrophy and hyperplasia in the epithelial cells of the
Proximal convoluted tubule of nephron
Loop of Henle
Distal convoluted tubule of Nephron-------------
None of the above

Question 7
Which of these can overcome diuretic resistance in congestive heart failure?
Increasing the dose of diuretic
More frequent administration of the diuretic
Intravenous administration of the diuretic
All of the above--------------

Question 8
Which of these can be given in combination with a loop diuretic to achieve sequential nephron blockade?
Thiazide diuretic
Thiazide type diuretic
Potassium sparing diuretic
Any of the above--------------

Question 9
In a person requiring diuretic medication, the amount of sodium intake should be

Question 10
In which of these conditions loop diuretic may be rendered ineffective after reaching the lumen due to high intraluminal albumin concentration?
Congestive heart failure
Nephrotic syndrome--------------
Hepatic cirrhosis
None of the above

Question 11
Metolazone is a
Thiazide diuretic
Thiazide type diuretic---------
Potassium sparing diuretic
Osmotic diuretic

Question 12
Metolazone is indicated in edema associated with
Congestive heart failure
Chronic kidney disease
Nephrotic syndrome
All the above-----------

Question 13
Which of the following statement is not true with regard to Metolazone?
It is ineffective when glomerular filtration rate is <30ml/min---------
It causes reabsorption of calcium
It inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and chlorine in the distal convoluted tubule of nephron
None of the above

Question 14
Which of the following diuretic can be used in any stage of kidney failure?
None of the above

Question 15
Which of the following statements is true with regard to Metolazone?
Dosage adjustment is not required at any stage of chronic kidney disease
Diuretic effect is observed at doses ranging from 1mg to 25 mg
It exerts its action in the distal and proximal convoluted tubule of the nephron
All are true------------

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